The Yesterday Today and Tomorrow plant (Brunfelsia) is a tropical plant native to Brazil. Its lush green foliage is accented with unique blooms that change color. The flowers bloom first as a purple or violet bloom. The next day that same bloom is pale lavender and the next day it is white. Honest! Some varieties are aromatic, while others are not. The size of this plant allows for growing outdoors (in the right zones) or in large pots. The full-grown size averages three to six feet tall with some as tall as ten feet.
Not just anybody is able to say they have a Yesterday Today and Tomorrow plant; only those who live in southern and tropical climates. For the United States, that means growing zones 10 and 11 with zone 9 being a possibility if protected from the danger of frost when it rears its chilly head. Some have had success in growing these beauties further north in large pots and bringing them indoors in the winter time.
The Yesterday Today and Tomorrow plant is not difficult to grow as long as a few basic needs are met. These include:
1.    Soil that is on the acidic side. If you don’t have acidic soil feeding or fertilizing with plant food or fertilizer for acidic plants will help.
2.    The soil should be loamy. This means it will hold moisture without becoming hard-packed. The moisture will be retained yet flow through the soil and avoid drowning the roots. The best way to achieve a loamy soil is to make sure it is composed of silt, sand and organic materials.
3.    This is a plant that thrives in the heat and humidity. Creating artificial climate to grow the Yesterday Today and Tomorrow plant indoors is possible, but it needs to be well-controlled.
4.    The plant needs to be kept moist, but not overly wet. When you water the plant, if the water doesn’t disappear into the soil within ten seconds, you need to stop watering.
5.    Pruning should be done in the spring and early fall to keep it from getting spindly and devoid of any real shape.
In addition to caring for this tropical beauty, there are a few other questions people often have about the Yesterday Today and Tomorrow plant:
Where do I get one of these plants? Online plant and seed suppliers such as and have the plants available for sale. The plants can also be propagated from soft woody cuttings and by saving and drying the seed from the seed pods and planting in moist soil with growing agents.
Should I plant it in as large a pot as it will ever need from the beginning? No. As with any other plant, it’s better to increase the size of the pot as the plant grows.
Do these plants attract bees, butterflies or hummingbirds? The Yesterday Today and Tomorrow attracts all three, but not overwhelmingly.
Are the blooms edible like some other flowers? No! The seeds and foliage are poisonous to humans and animals if ingested. If you have small children who might be tempted to smell and taste, or pets that chew on plants, this plant is not for you.
The tropical beauty of the Yesterday Today and Tomorrow plant is one of contrast; the lush green foliage against the continual blooming flowers in three different colors. And while it isn’t for the majority of flower lovers due to its climatic needs, it is one to be admired and appreciated.
Hi: I recently bought a Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow plant that had no blooms. Though this plant is in a large pot and healthy, I am beginning to think that it is not a YT & T.
I am on computer trying to find a picture of one of these plants so I can compare the leaves. I think these plants are so beautiful because of the three colors. In my small town of Bushnell, Fl., I pass a huge plant that is planted in the ground with blooms all over.
Thanks and have a wonderful day. Marge T.
Please tell me where the plant is located in Bushnell. I would love to drive by it too. Also does anyone know where to buy YT&T near Bushnell Ocala area?
We bought our plant in Lake Wales. The flowers are gorgeous. They sold them at Bok Tower but they were our of them and we ended up getting ours at a flea market on the side of the road.
There is the most gorgeous YT&T shrub in The Villages, FL. I’m convinced that full sunlight for most of the day is required. I have one but it’s located in shade. My lot has four huge live oaks and mine just doesn’t bloom. Mine was a gift and I don’t know where it was purchased but, it had to be in The Villages/Ocala area.
Hi wish I could send you a photo of mine.
I live in Kimberley in South Africa and Spring started 1 Sept. It us covered with flowers and the smell is so fantastic… keep well.. Bonny
Hi Bonny. I walk every day and passed one on my walk. The fragrance of the flowers are out of this world. I’m moving to DBN soon, but have no idea where to get this plant.
Hello Lettie, I used to live in Durban and there is a wonderful nursery at Bother’s HIll also I believe the Shongweni Market has lots of lovely things. My Trees on the driveway by the gate were beautiful and the smell permiated the whole house. Good luck Olwyn
I just bought a Yesterday Today and Tomorrow plant in Lecanto (near Inverness) at Color Time nursery.
I got mine from a small stand on 301, right side headed north between Bushnell and Wildwood. He sells mostly native plants and is in a wheelchair. Hope this helps.
They are beautiful plants. I pray i can keep mine moist enough and shaded enough to thrive in so Calif’s heat.
They do not bloom all year long, like some plants they have a blooming time, I forget when my bloomed since I didn’t take it with me when I moved, so would hazard to say it does in either spring or fall, not summer.
It blooms in the winter in south Florida.
Yes, my four bloom from Thanksgiving through Christmas, depending on the weather. The cold seems to spark their blooms.
Hi there. I stay in South Africa, my YT&T bloom in summer
You can but my them in Lake Alfred at Polk Training Center. 111 Creek Road. 33850.
I purchased a ytt at The Yard Stop in Eustis, Lake County, Fl. & a beautiful ytt at Knox Nursery on Avalon Road in Winter Garden. The ytt from Knox Nursery is doing very well. I am in Leesburg, Fl.
I purchased mine at ace hardware in palatka fl.
i brought a y t and t with blooms on it but since it has no blooms ,leaves are healthy and green what exposure does it need? I live in pawleys island s.c.
I also live in Bushnell and purchased one of these plants yesterday from the nursery in Brooksville on 41. Its the first one I have ever had. No flowers on it but just a very pretty plant. I am going to keep it potted on the patio. (gets cold here, we are on the river out of Nobelton and Floral City) The flowers look beautiful and I hope mine will bloom. Good Luck with yours. Vicki F.Vicki
I don’t know where you got your zone information, but these plants are thriving in eastern South Carolina. This past winter was one of the harshest in yaears, and the yesterday, today, and tomorrow plants at the campground in Pineville,SC lost their top new shoots, but the base plants suffered no damage, and they have come back this year with a vengence. I also know of them in Charleston,SC as well. All of them are planted in the ground. The one in Charleston is about 10 feet tall and 10 feet in diameter. Its this plant that we first became familiar with the YTT.
I live in the pacific nw at foothills of cascades, and I have a
YTT plant that grows indoors and does great. It’s in a large pot
and gets lots of light, no direct sun, and is over 3 feet tall. It
blooms those 3 colors and stays healthy inside. I recently transplanted it putting new soil in, fertilized, watered, and is
now beginning to come into full bloom, and it is beautiful. jill
Oh how wonderful….what size pot did you start with….and what size was it when purchased?
I am in Rainier, Oregon and have a tropical hybiscus I wintered in my home and it’s ready to bloom a second time since Oct!
I live in Miami, Florida, actually close to Homestead. I have one of these, and it’s a beauty. Mine flower’s all the time, and smells wonderful. I’m going to get another one, so I can just let it do it’s thing, because where I put my first one, I have to keep it trimmed, but it still doesn’t have an effect on the flower’s.
My Y T&T plant has gotten too big for the spot I planted it.It is at least four or five feet tall and probably as wide. Could I successfully move it? The foliage is beautiful but the blooms have never been as abundant as the picture shown.Should I just trim it and leave it where it is? I live outside the Houston metroplex.We are in severe drought conditions this year.
Iwonder if my plant will ever bloom then suddenly one day it did
In the fall my yesterday today and tomorrow had white flies on it. I sprayed and they left. Now in January some of the old leaves have white spots on them and turn yellow and drop. But I have beautiful blooms anyway. Any suggestions? I am in Estero Fl.
I planted mine last fall and it had flowers but so far this year nothing. The plant is growing but no flowers yet since last fall. We have another one that is much older had smaller leaves and gets flowers. Are there more than one kind of these plants
I need help. I have had mine for many years and it has bloomed all year around. I live in Houston, TX, and it is on my porch in a pot. This year it looks bad. The leaves have holes in them, and some have areas on the leaf that have turned brown in the middle of the leaf. Other leaves are brown on the edges. Can you tell me what my little plant needs to make it well again? I have never given it plant food, or acidic soil before, because it has always looked and bloomed so perfectly. Thank you.
I solved the problem by removing all of the dead leaves, adding new rich soil to the old soil, in the pot. shortly after, it bloomed again and now is back to normal! So happy to have my little beauty back.
I am in Houston as well, I am trying to decide where to plant it- shade or sun or mixed?
Mine is in a pot on my balcony that gets no direct sunlight. It is doing well in the shade.
Just wanted to let everyone know that this plant is VERY TOXIC to horses, dogs and plants. I have witnessed a dog that chewed on a root and had seizures for 4 days and it has been 3 weeks and she still has a long time to recover.
Thank you so much for this information. I just got a YT & T and was trying to figure out where to plant it. I have several dogs so I now know that I will keep it in a pot in the enclosed patio.
My dogs and I appreciate your advice.
I just heard that my neighbors Labrador puppy ate some of this plant and died. I think there should be a huge skull and crossbones in red on this plant, as it’s simply not acceptable to plant this, and even take the chance that a dog or child could potentially die from it.
I recently bought two of these plants. I read about it and found that you are correct. One site gave the advice ” throw it in the trash”. I have a small dog and would hate to see his get sick or die from this so I guess I will just ” throw it in the trash”. One is blooming but the other is not. So beautiful, but so toxic. I agree, all plants that are toxic should have this information on the label.
Thank you for the info. I have an older dog who does not eat any plants, but just in case, this plant will go on the outside of my fence in the front yard, where my dog cannot even see it! 🙂
@linda yes we took our two dogs to the vet last night for poisoning symptoms – dizziness, muscle spasms – we think this is the culprit.
I am getting flowers only inb Nov, Dec, Jan and Feb . I live in Delray beach, Florida. Can some one tell me why the leaves on the plant are all turning brown at the tip of the leaves. I do not think I have water problem. I sprayed with insect repellant. HELP
For stanley:
Your Y T&T foliage may have grown to tall & dense preventing the sun light from shining through the leaves which causes the tip to turn brown. This problem is very common with Y T&T.
Can some one tell me why the leaves on the plant are all turning brown at the tip of the leaves. I do not think I have water problem. I sprayed with insect repellant. HELP
I would like to know if the YTT plant will grow in the suburbs
of Atlanta, Georgia. Does it require sun and or shade?
Where would be a good place to plant it?
Thank you.
I would like to know if the YTT plant will grow and do well
in the Atlanta, Georgia area. Is it best to plant in a pot
or the ground?
Thank you.
Why do the flowers on my YT&T plants bloom white and never change colors? They have many blooms and smell great but they don’t change colors. Does anyone know why?
If plants are always white they may need a different chemical balance like hydranges. May also be white variety.n
They did change colors last summer and fall after I planted them. I was told they needed an acid fertilizer which I have used on them. I have also used other fertilizers. I’m wondering if it has anything to do with being very dry right now. I live in Florida and we have had very little rain all winter and spring. We had over 2″ of rain today so maybe that will help. Otherwise, they are growing well.
I have a beautiful Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow growing at my home.
FYI – you can cut off a small branch with blooming flowers on them, put into a vase and it will last SO long. Most people have never seen this flower
YTT does this plant need full sun or shade?
This plant is extremely toxic to dogs !!!!!!!!
Do NOT plant it where a dog lives or may pass by.
I live in Sunny California, I just bought two plants, can someone tell me if to much sun will damage my plants?
I have a YTT (Bay area) for years. First I planted it in full
sun where it seemed to really suffer. Then I transplanted it in full shade, where it seems to be real happy. I have to cut it back yearly to keep it from getting leggy. This seems to work best after blooming. Hope it helped. Vera
Can I grow a plant from a snipping and how?
can i grow ytt in ghana west africa?
I have one of these lovely trees in the back yard. I had no idea that they were poisonous and my dog does not usually eat plants but he must of got part of the flower in his mouth after they fell onto the ground. It has cost us thousands of dollars in vet bills and we nearly lost him so a definite no no if you have pets.
Does anyone have a favorite fertilizer they use. Homemade or commercial for their YTT plant?
I live in Debary Florida. I have had my YT&T in the ground and transplanted in a huge pot, in the ground again and back in a huge pot. It is doing great. It is in full Sun and I just take my vegetable, egg, coffee grounds and fruit compost right in the pot. It blooms right before Valentine’s day and some blooms this year in August and September. Anxious to put in the ground when I move. I have removed the pods, broke open and dried the seeds. I started them in cut up paper towel cardboard ring in good compost soil inside on kitchen window with a tray with plenty of water. It takes about 60 days for a good start which I just took and added to pot outside with more good compost soil and keep moist. Very slow growing but the rewards will be great as I intend to use as a privacy fence. I can send a few seeds if you email. Good luck!
I am in spring, Texas and my plant is in the ground part of the plant is dead and the other art is alive. Please help This plant was dug out of my deceased mothers yard, I have it covered for the winter is that wrong?
When and how to prune my ytt? I have had this lovely plant for years and now it has spindley branches which are round like a pencil. Thank you, I would like any feed back on my problem. Maryann
My landscaper planted 2 of the YT&F plants. I have started having brown and white areas on the leaves. How do I treat this?
I have yesterday today tommorrow tree ,my leaves are light green droopy leaves what shall i do?
I live in Miami, FL and have my YTT plant in a large pot. I recently moved it from where I planted it originally and it’s started to flower but I’ve noticed the leaves are getting eaten by some sort of insect, snail or caterpillar. I originally thought it was the work of snails but since transplanting I’ve sprinkled the snail pellets and still see that new leaves all chewed up and no snails. Does anyone know what bugs they attract and what I can use to ward off this culprit?
Grass hoppers, the big colorful ones. I have to keep an eye out for them constantly. They seem to like every single plant I own. Especially my Orhids! That’s the only issue I have with my TYT plant.
Can you send me a sight to learn how to prune yesterday today and tomorrow plant.
Being as the YTT thrives best in acid environment could the use coffee grounds be spread around the base of the inground plant be a good plan?
Could you recommend the proper fertilizer for the plant?
Thanks for your help.
Coffee grounds around the base of the plant is highly recommended to have this gorgeous bush flower.
My neighbor has ytt plant and she claims after the flower blooms if you remove it another bloom will follow right behind it. Although I have never heard that to happen.please help. The plant is beautiful.
We use an azalea fertilizer.
Where can I find a YTT in the Lakeland/Polk County region of Florida? I already have one that I found at a farm, but would like another.
Summers in my area can get to over 100. We live in the Hemet area of So. Calif. Is this too hot for ytt to survive?
I live in lake elsinore calif and have a ytt planted in a large pot it gets direct sun for about 5 hours a day and does just fine
I have a Y, T, & T – it is beautiful but it has this very narly growth that looks like a tangled up green snake – can anybody tell me what it is? I have a photo but I was unable to attach it to this site. If you email me I could send it to you.
My plant is doing very well but he leaves are a very light green, any suggestion as to corrective action. I live in SW FL
I have a YT&T planted in the ground and it froze but has come back. I’m wondering if I should and how to prune it as it has 1 long stalk only. Suggestions?
Ours is about 6 years old in a large pot on our Solarium. It blooms twice a year for about a month each, in Spring and Fall. Last year I hot tired of it being so spindly so I pruned the long branches pretty severely last early Fall and now it has gone nuts this Spring with new leaves and blossoms. I can now maintain it for a year or two by just pinching off tops to keep it from getting too branch again.
Thanks for the info on yesterday,today and tomorrow
Yesterday today and tomorrow. I live in Napa,Ca 94558 and my plant is old and I have moved around. It is now getting 6 hours of sun. what do you think. How often do I need ti replant in the pot?????Thank You for your response.
I have two plants one older than other. The older one has new growth on top but no blooms should I trim tree back or let it grow and maybe it will bloom next time
Does the potatoe tree grow well in windy parts
It doesn’t bloom second time. What is the reason?
Hi there, My recipe for Yesterday today and tomorrow (Brunfelsia Pauciflora) is placing all your teabags and coffee grounds around your shrub but a bit away from the trunk. Also provide a mulch with your banana skins which provides plenty of potassium which this plant needs a lot of and give it a good handful of Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) at least once in 3 months. This also kills the snails and slugs. Yes give it plenty of water and it must grow in well drained loamy soil preferably in partial shade with morning sun. Did not know that locusts like it; must watch out for that as my shrub is being eaten around the edges of the leaves at the moment which I have not experienced before.
Hi! My YT&T looks healthy. Full of green and shiny leaves. One would say how healthy my YT&T is. But the problem is, it never blooms as what I saw in the magazine, books and plant store. What could be the problem is? She only gives one or two flowers and that’s it. Philippines
I have these growing wild behind my house in a shaded area ! I hardly ever notice them except they keep spreading. But. When THEY BLOOM I CAN SMELL THIER SWEET FRAGRANCE FOR 30-40 feet ! And its amazing ? seriously!
I’ve lived in Florida almost 40 years I’ve never smelled a stronger fragrance plan other than when may be an entire Orange Grove was blooming. Just a couple plants put off a lot of fragrance I love them !!!
I bought 4 of them at the Edison gardens in Fort Meyers, Fl. I can’t wait for them to grow and flower!
I have a YT&T plant, the other week it dropped to 15 inside the loop in Houston, Tx. 77098 zip…I covered the plant and left it near the house for a little extra warmth, well it looks dead…what should I do to try and salvage this wonderful plant?
We are in NW Houston. Mine is coming back from the base with new leaves.
I have 3 planted in the ground on the north side of my house in Santa Cruz CA. They are 35 years old and looking very woody and didn’t bloom much last year. Not much foliage. Of course it was HOT last summer and fires near by. I’m wondering if it is just time to get some young ones. Does anyone have suggestions or know lifespan? Thanks
A few of my 4 YTT shrubs have yellowing leaves. But the rest of the leaves seem ok. I trimmed down this spring (2021) to avoid spindly-ness. Can anyone tell me what the best fertilizer is for the YTT? Can I use 12-6-10 that I use for my Rose bushes?
We transplanted our YTT plant this week to give it more space. Almost All the leaves have turned brown which I have just trimmed. It looks so sad. I hope it comes back. It’s my favorite. We have watered it daily because we have had no rain and close to 90 every day. I read that it should only be fertilized in the spring. I also read it likes coffee grounds and banana peels.
PLEASE HELP. I live in Estero Florida. Thank you.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
My newly planted Y T T plant has been losing leaves, curled leaves. I found a little black bug on the curled leaves. What should I use to get rid of the bug? I live in So FL.
I purchased a YTT in a local large garden store in Tampa Fl. Years ago only had on small purple bloom as well as large leaves I moved it into another place that has loamy soil and has large growing leaves but still no blooms and looks very healthy. I used Gardenia and Camelia fertilizer along with some used coffee and been almost one year since and owned close to six years and still no blooms. I think I was dooped into purchasing a large leafed plant with no blooms . It nis now in the garden getting morning sun and other blooming plants and cooler in the afternoon.
I have a YTT and it puts our lots of runners several feet out. They are attached to the root several feet out. How can I get rid of these without hurting the tree?