QUESTION: What flowering shrub is evergreen? I’d love some evergreens for my landscape, but I don’t want anything that’s going to look dead all winter. What do you suggest? – Marianne B
ANSWER: If you’re in the market for a flowering evergreen shrub, you’re in luck. There are quite a few to choose from.
I’ll share some of the most popular options, their hardiness zones, and their basic growing conditions. You’ve probably already heard of most of these options and didn’t realize that they’d fit your needs.
Here are some evergreen flowering shrubs that could be great options for adding color to your landscape:
1. Rhododendron
Rhododendrons are large flowering shrubs that produce fluffy, layered blooms. These plants come in numerous varieties and can range in height from five feet to over twenty feet. Be sure to select the variety which works best for your landscaping goals.
When growing rhododendrons, be sure to plant them in a location with full to partial shade. They also prefer well-draining soil. Expect these plants to remain hardy in planting zones four through eight.
2. Holly
You might not think of a holly bush when considering flowering shrubs. In truth, holly bushes produce white blooms in the spring and red berries in the fall. Like with rhododendrons, holly bushes have different varieties that have quite the range in height. Some bushes will grow to be around six feet tall while others will grow to be over fifty feet.
Expect holly bushes to remain hardy in planting zones seven through nine as long as you provide the right growing conditions. These bushes enjoy full to partial sunlight and should be planted in well-draining soil.

3. Gardenia
The gardenia shrub is known for its rich, green foliage and white blooms. This shrub is a great option for many landscapes because it only reaches heights ranging from three to five feet and can become equally as wide.
Plus, this shrub produces a delightful scent. If you’d like to grow gardenia, be sure to provide a location with partial shade and well-draining soil. In the right conditions, this plant should remain hardy in zones eight through eleven.
4. Azaleas
Azaleas are gorgeous flowering shrubs that have small, green leaves throughout the year, but when they bloom, the bushes look like a ball of color. They’re a beautiful accent to most landscapes and come in various sizes. This shrub can range in height from two feet to twenty feet depending upon variety.
If you’d like to grow azaleas, be sure to supply a growing location with full to partial sunlight. They also must be planted in an area with well-draining soil that’s consistently damp. Expect azaleas to remain hardy in planting zones four through eight.
5. Camellia
Our final shrub to discuss is camellia. These shrubs produce tight, layered, colorful blooms. Expect this shrub to reach heights between six and twelve feet.
Camellia enjoys a growing location with partial shade and well-draining soil. It’s also a hardy option for planting zones seven through nine.
You now have five different options for flowering evergreen shrubs. Hopefully, these suggestions will help you create the design you desire as you landscape your business, home, or garden area.
More About Evergreen Shrubs

Please suggest more native plants. Gardenia and Camelia are not US natives and many people plant Chinese hollies. We need native plant biomass of at least 70% to adequately sustain insects that feed birds. The bird population is in a frightening decline.