Watering Your Vegetable Garden
From start to finish, water is the most important thing for your garden. Water is essential to plants. Most plants are composed of up to 90% water. Water is requisite for cell structure, stability and growth.
Too little water will at best wilt your plants and drastically reduce productivity. At worst it will kill them. Too much is just as bad, leading to leaf diseases or root rot, snails and slugs, a lack of oxygen or having your nutrients leach out of the soil. Irregular watering can stress your plants leading to low productivity or bolting. Therefore, if you want your garden to thrive you’re going to have to pay a good amount of attention to how and how much you water your vegetables.
When to Water the Vegetable Garden
The best time to water your vegetables is in the early morning hours. This is the time of maximum growth for your plants and it gives the soil and roots time to absorb the water fully before the heat of the sun begins its evaporative process. Watering in the heat of the day is both wasteful and potentially damaging to the plant. You lose much more water to evaporation (meaning much less water for the plant and thus more frequent and irregular watering) and cool water can shock plants. An evening watering can lead to mildews, rusts and other diseases because the water will sit over night on your plants or the roots.
How much water does the vegetable garden really need?
When you water, be sure to water thoroughly and deeply. A shallow watering or sprinkling will drive the plants roots up instead of down and a shallow root system leaves you doing more watering that you’ll want to do and will leave the plants unable to withstand wind blowing. Focus on the soil! Look to water your soil so that the water gets down a good foot at least. The amount of water you put on your garden is going to depend on the soil type, available sun and stage of growth…not to mention if it’s raining or not.
I’ve already discussed soil quality in this section but it is worth reiterating just how important it is to have good soil when it comes to the watering. If you grow your crops on a sandy soil the water is more likely to run right out leaving your crops high and dry and you dealing with wilted and dying plants. Growing in water-retaining clay, on the other hand, can easily leave soil water logged causing other sorts of growth issues. Get that soil healthy with a generous amount of organic matter and mulch it thickly to conserve water in the vegetable garden.
Some vegetables will need extra water at certain times. Beans, peas, potatoes and corn need more water when they flower (but less prior to that). Squashes and tomatos need extra water while they are growing their fruits. Salads and root vegetables like carrots and beets need a steady supply of water throughout their growth cycle. Certain crops tend to be on the thirsty side all the time. Beans and peas, beets, carrots, cucumbers and squashes should be grouped in the same general area when you plant to ease your watering situation.
The best way to avoid overwatering is by sticking your finger in the ground. Ideally, it will feel damp but if it feels soggy, don’t water. Give the garden time to dry out a little bit. If your plants are starting to suffer consider taking a pitchfork and punching holes in the soil to let the water drain away. I’ve placed a thin layer of one inch gravel in the bottom of some of my raised beds to allow water to drain off in case I get careless or there is some tremendous rainstorm. This seems to work rather well. If you’re crops are wilting and appear dried out give them water right away (never mind the time of day) and, if possible, get them in the shade.
Conserving Water in the Vegetable Garden
Efficient Water Use in the Vegetable Garden
Water Conservation in the Vegetable Garden
Here’s great information on critical watering periods for vegetables:
Critical Periods for Vegetables. While most vegetables require adequate moisture from the time they are seeded or transplanted into the garden, there are critical times when they definitely require water. The crops and those critical periods are given below:
Vegetable Critical period for water needs
Bean, lima: Pollination and pod development
Bean, snap: Pod enlargement
Broccoli: Head development
Cabbage Head: development
Carrot Root: enlargement
Cauliflower: Head development
Corn, sweet: Silking, tasseling, and ear development
Cucumber: Flowering and fruit development
Eggplant: Uniform supply from flowering through harvest
Melon: Fruit set and early development
Onion, dry: Bulb enlargement
Pea: Flowering and seed enlargement
Pepper: Uniform supply from flowering through harvest
Potato: Tuber set and tuber enlargement
Radish: Root enlargement
Squash: summer Bud development and flowering
Tomato: Uniform supply from flowering through harvest
Turnip: Root enlargement
Source: Watering Techniques for Home Vegetable Gardens from the University of Illinois
Jim O’Donnell gardens in the mountains of northern New Mexico. A certified permaculture designer and ecological restoration specialist, Jim’s first book Notes for the Aurora Society was published in 2009.
Is it useful and advantageous to use a moisture meter to determine soil moisture and water accordingly?
Also it is better to use a a sprinkler nozzle with a misting selection that delivers approximately one gallon of water per hour, as I have heard that is the maximum amount of water the plants can absorb and it also conserves water?
It wouldn’t hurt to use a moisture meter, particularly if you live in an area where it doesn’t get very hot and the risk is overwatering your plants.
When you don’t water enough, you’ll see that your vegetable garden is wilting, so it is fairly obvious. (Although a small amount of wilting is normal during the heat of the day, as long as you see that it’s bouncing back by evening or morning.)
Watering efficiently like you describe is really more important in arid areas or extremely hot areas where the soil dries out quickly. If you look at how much water a vegetable garden requires, it’s not much at all compared to a lawn, which uses thousands of gallons. I don’t feel like it’s a major issue.
I don’t use a soil moisture meter, and I just water with the hose or a watering can. In the early spring, I rarely have to water at all and rain will take care of the garden. But now we’re in 95 degree plus heat here in Dallas, so I typically have to water every day or every other day.
how much ML or L do i use to water a veggie garden
Excellent. Just what I was looking for with our climate and crops. Thanks.
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am a subscriber to Gardening channel in Facebook and get a lot of interesting articles.
I had got one some time ago on cutting up a Coke bottle and inserting the top half into the bottom half and growing plants in it.
I have searched the enire site but have been unable locate it.
I would appreciate if you could kindly send me the link so I could try that out.
Thanks in advance.
My vegetable garden has had the roots grown upward, I didn’t realize that was because I was soaking the ground enough or long enough. Gardening is one of my hobbies and I feel as though there is more I learn every day about what I could be doing better. Growing vegetables is harder than it sounds and articles like this one help me realize how I can be a better gardener.