Garlic makes a great organic pesticide. Not only should you plant it among your other crops (either veggies or ornamentals), you can use it to make a foliar spray and apply directly to leaves, especially lettuces. This garlic spray works as a repellent, sending most pests scurrying away in a hurry.
How to Make Garlic Organic Pesticide Spray
You’ll need two ingredients:
1.5 cups of warm water
2 bulbs of garlic
1. Blend them into liquefied slurry in your blender.
2. Strain out any pieces of garlic that remain.
This makes for enough concentrated insecticidal liquid for a gallon of the spray, which you can then put into a spray bottle.
Use garlic pesticide to combat pests as varied as Japanese beetles, chinch bugs, slugs, grubs, snails, thrips, and grasshoppers. It can also repel larger pests like deer and rabbits.
To save time, double or triple the amounts in the recipe. If you don’t need all the garlic insecticide you’ve made at once, you can freeze it in quarter-cup portions.
Want to learn more about using garlic as an organic pesticide?
Here are more resources:
Less Toxic Insecticides from Clemson Cooperative Extension
Least Toxic and Organic Pesticides For Gardeners PDF from Oregon State University Extension Master Gardener Program
Homemade Organic Pesticide for Vegetables
Very usefull
Will this garlic pesticide ward off butterflies from my cabbages and Kale?
Any tips for getting rid of the small black ants that like plants?
I want to use it for my mango fruits
Hope it works
I wonder if it’ll keep rabbits and other critters from eating garden vegetables?
I have had success with using garlic to deter critters from eating my plants. I sprinkle some around my plants every year. I also like to use red pepper flakes