Ever wondered how you can enjoy delicious, homegrown tomatoes without a sprawling garden? The unruly nature of tomato bushes and vines might seem hard to contain. But they can be contained. In fact, tomatoes grow quite successfully in just about any kind of large container you can think of.
Since tomatoes are a favorite veggie, the ability to grow them easily in pots on a small patio or even on a rooftop in the middle of a bustling city makes them a preferred choice for gardeners. Here are the keys for growing tomatoes successfully in a container.
Choose the right container
The right container for your tomato plant is the first step on your journey to a robust crop. Large container options are endless. Visit your favorite gardening center where you will find clay, glazed, and plastic pots galore. As long as you select a five gallon size or larger, any of the containers will work. However, clay pots are the least popular choice for tomato gardening. Clay is porous, and soil will dry more quickly in clay pots. Plastic pots are the easiest choice since plastic holds the moisture in better, which is important for successful tomato gardening.
If you are a handy sort, you might construct a container from wood. Make sure the wood you are using has not been chemically treated since you are using the planter for edibles. A simple 2 ft by 2 ft box will do.
For a thrifty idea, hunt around your neighborhood garage sales or secondhand shops for plastic tubs or pots. Some gardeners have effectively used recyclable grocery bags for their tomato plant container. Believe it or not, a five gallon bucket from your local hardware store is the perfect tomato planter. For more inexpensive container ideas, see this great Mother Earth News article.
Your container will need to have several drainage holes. Most pots that you purchase will already have at least one hole. If you go the more inexpensive route and choose a plastic tub or a bucket, you will need to create drainage holes. Your container will need to be sturdy enough to drill several holes into the bottom.
Soil and location
Before you add soil to your container, clean your container with warm, soapy water. Place a piece of screen across the bottom of your container so you don’t lose your soil through the holes over time. The best soil to use for container gardening is a soil that retains water and is full of organic food.
According to the experts at Ohio State, you should mix your soil to meet the tomato plant’s requirements for nourishment and moisture level. Use equal parts of potting soil, perlite, sphagnum moss, and compost. For more tips from the Ohio State horticulture department, visit the Ohio Extension Service site.
Even after you have filled your container with soil, it will be light enough to move, which is one great advantage to container gardening. Decide where you will place your tomato plant. Choose a warm location where your plant will get at least 6 hours of full sun every day. Lots of direct sun is a must, so avoid placement near walls or fences where your plant may spend most of the day in a shadow.
Recommended seed varieties
Don’t think that because you have a downsized container garden you have to go small on size when it comes to your actual plant or produce. Most varieties of tomatoes grow well in containers.
It is important to note that there are two different types of tomato plants. The indeterminate tomato plant is generally large and vining. It will produce fruit continually over the course of the growing season. A determinate tomato plant is smaller and bushier. It will produce one bulk harvest, and then the plant will die.
For the larger-sized plants, try a tomato cage, wire fencing, or bamboo stakes for support. A few larger tomato varieties that grow well in containers include “Believe-it-or Not,” “Early Girl V,” or “Yellow Pygmy.”
Here’s an informative YouTube video to help you visualize the support large plants need.
And for tips on growing larger, vining tomatoes, visit this vegetable corner article.Â
If you would prefer a smaller and more compact plant that you probably won’t have to stake, choose determinate varieties. Determinate varieties are very compatible with container gardening. “Patio V” is a popular choice with its small plant size, yet tennis ball-sized tomatoes. Yum! “Totem” is a dwarf variety that produces nice, round cherry tomatoes. “Tiny Tim” is a cold tolerant variety that reaches maturity in 60 days.
Check out this mouth-watering line of best tomatoes for containers at veggiegardener.com.
When you have selected an appealing variety and you are ready to plant, consider your container a one-plant show. Plant 3 or 4 seeds in your container a half inch deep after the danger of frost. When your seedlings have two leaves, thin to one plant.
If you choose to purchase your seedling from a nursery or store, transplant it when the weather warms and your soil is at least 60 degrees. Tomato transplants thrive when they are set deep into the soil, so don’t be afraid to plant it so the lowest leaves of the plant are buried in the soil.
Watering and fertilizing
Tomato plants love a good balance of water. Your goal is to keep your plant moist at all times. If you have a wet, rainy period, you might move your plant to shelter so it doesn’t become too soggy. On the other hand, when the weather is hot, you will need to water your tomato plant every day. Container gardens have a tendency to dry out quickly, so keep a close eye on your plants.
As was mentioned before, tomato plants enjoy plenty of nourishment. If you use an excellent soil mix to begin with, fertilizing your tomato plant isn’t crucial. During the lifespan of your plant, there are three times that a fertilizer will offer a boost, though.
When you start your seeds, a little bit of a granular tomato fertilizer is fine. With your transplant, add a scanty handful of granular tomato fertilizer when you go to set it in the soil. As your plant blossoms and is about to produce fruit, adding a fish emulsion every other time you water will offer replenishment. Remember, too much of a good thing is not a good thing, and that goes for fertilizing your container tomatoes.
For a handy how-to list for your tomatoes in a container, visit our other container gardening tomatoes page!
For an excellent and comprehensive guide to create your own tomato fertilizer, Mother Earth News has another good article.
Growing tomatoes upside down
Container gardening is not limited to upright pots these days. Upside down planters are a trendy new method for a bountiful harvest. Not all tomato varieties are suitable for this style of gardening, but cherry tomato plants are especially successful when grown upside down.
Upside down containers might be as simple as a milk jug or as specialized as a Topsy Turvey bag. The sun, soil, and watering requirements are the same as those for an upright container. The only extra consideration you have with your upside down tomato plant is where you might hang it.
For ideas on how to hang your upside down container, visit our upside down tomatoes article.
For a variety of container ideas for your upside down tomato gardening, visit this site.Â
And for additional instructions, we also have a page about tomatoes in hanging baskets.
Do you have a creative tomato plant container idea or helpful tip that you would like to share? Let us know! Happy container gardening!
Creative Commons Flickr photo courtesy of azmichelle
I zone 7 can I grow tomatoes all year in containers indoors?
With the right setup, pot, soil,and grow light, you can grow just about anything indoors.
How large of a container do I need to transplant the.patio tamatos from Costco. They are almost three feet tall in there container they came in and have a lot of fruit on them. Some tomatos are getting close to Turing colors.
So, should I transplant them now or wait.
Is a five gallon bucket from Lowe’s big enough?
I grow tomato plants a lot all r big one but no tomatoes plz help me
My guess is that they are not getting pollinated, yousuf. You could try vibrating the flower stems when they blossoms open, using a fan to make a breeze, or even using a small soft brush to move the pollen around in the flower or between flowers.
They may not be getting enough sun. They need 6 – 8 hours of sun per day.
Is there anyway to print this information?
Copy and paste to a new blank document the info you want. Then print the document. Printing the entire article with ads and photos uses a lot of paper and expensive ink!
my tomato plants leaves are turning yellow. what do I need to do?
I remember reading an article about putting nails in a pot of water overnight and sprinkling that water to the tomato leaves so that the plant gets the iron that is what the yellow leaves is a sign of iron deficiency.
Leave of tomato plants often turn yellow because of a magnesium deficiency. Try dissolving epsom salts in a trigger sprayer and spraying the foliage a couple times a week. Alternatively, you can put some epsom salts at the base of your plant and water it in. Like you would a fertilizer
Try crushing egg shells and gently work them into the soil around the plants. Yellow leaves are a sign of a lack of calcium, not a lack of iron. This is good for tomato end rot too.
I’ve had tomato plants (beefsteak) the leaves curl at the bottom. One of the plants died. I water plenty when there is no rain. What is the problem?
How big of a he do you make in the plast ice container?
I have colourbond steel veggie planters, which I filled with activated garden soil. I planted a Grosse Lisse tomato in one end of one them last year – I only fertilised it once, I used PowerFeed just as it was starting to set fruit. It grew so big, I had to tie the growing hoop to the fence – I pinched out the top when it was 6′ high … it grew so many delicious tomatoes, the branches were snapping under the weight. I had to tape them up and reinforce them. This year I am growing a different variety, hopefully one which doesn’t get too out of hand.
A great source for 5 gallon buckets is Firehouse Subs. They are $2 each and that money goes to help the families of fire fighters that have fallen in the line of duty. They do smell of pickles but that won’t hurt anything. And they are food grade.
I live inTenerife and started to grow some tomatoes in pots, 7 actually, they all appeared to be growing well and producing plenty of fruit stems, all of a sudden 2 of the pots , the leaves have wilted and the flower stems have dropped off, a disaster, I did give them some furtilizer Huerto Urbano, was this a mistake, they also are in a lot of sun which may have scorched the leaves, The other plants are developing well. can you give me any advice as I am disappionted in the 2 pots.
I live inTenerife and started to grow some tomatoes in pots, 7 actually, they all appeared to be growing well and producing plenty of fruit stems, all of a sudden 2 of the pots , the leaves have wilted and the flower stems have dropped off, a disaster, I did give them some furtilizer Huerto Urbano, was this a mistake, they also are in a lot of sun which may have scorched the leaves, The other plants are developing well. can you give me any advice as I am disappionted in the 2 pots.
I just require some advice to my problem
I have tomato plants in pots and one of the plants branches in staging from weight of tomatoes not ripened yet and causing a bend in the branch what should I do.
I have my tomato plants in 5 gallon buckets. Can I move them throughout the day to keep them in the sunlight, or do they need to be stationary?
Is there any way you can make these articles “print friendly” like people do with their recipes