QUESTION: Does zucchini need to climb? I did not set up a trellis, and now I'm wondering if I have made a mistake. - Mary L ANSWER: In short, the answer is no. Zucchini doesn’t need to climb to grow properly. It’s an easy crop to produce in a home garden. The plant grows well … [Read more...]
11 Vegetables You Can Grow Vertically in Small Spaces
By Bethany Hayes Don't let your lack of a large garden space deter you from growing fresh vegetables. When you lack garden space, you still have plenty of vertical space. There are plenty of vegetables you can grow vertically in small areas; it's a win-win idea! Even … [Read more...]
How to Grow Cucumbers Vertically
by Matt Gibson There are two distinctly different kinds of cucumber: the vining style, and the bush style cucumber. The vining type of cucumber plant is perfect for vertical gardening, as these plants will grow upward naturally when they’re provided with a vertical support. … [Read more...]
10 Fun Vertical Gardening Ideas
By Julie Christensen When you think of vertical gardening, do you instantly think of tomato cages and pole beans? Vertical gardening is a time-honored tradition in the vegetable garden for many reasons. First, a lot of vegetables grow better when planted vertically. Tomatoes, … [Read more...]
Creating a Raised Garden
Raised bed gardens are becoming more and more popular as a way to grow flowers and vegetables. There are many reasons for this, but as their popularity grows, so do the questions surrounding how a gardener can begin utilizing them in their yard. Benefits of Raised … [Read more...]