Question: What is the best fertilizer for celery? How do you time the application? -Paul H. Answer: Celery has a relatively small root system and it isn’t that great at getting the most out of the nutrients available, so it needs a little help from fertilizer to make the soil … [Read more...]
What Month Do You Plant Celery?
Question: I'm going to start celery early and then transplant in my garden. What month do you plant celery? I'm trying to figure out how to time it around cool nights. -Paula S. Answer: The month you should plant celery varies depending on where in the world you are … [Read more...]
Can I grow celery from a stalk?
QUESTION: Can I grow celery from a stalk? Do I put the stalk in water? -Kim R. … [Read more...]
Growing Organic Celery
Do you crave the crunchy snap of fresh, top-notch celery? Unfortunately, it's hard to get good organically grown celery, and commercially grown celery tends to be contaminated with relatively high concentrations of pesticide residues—more so, in fact, than most other vegetables. … [Read more...]