Old nursery lore has it that you should dig a $10 hole for a $5 tree, the point being the importance of making a generous hole and planting a tree right. More than once I’ve gone on a tree-buying spree, only to get the plants home and remember that the work has just begun; … [Read more...]
Dogwood Trees for the Home Landscape
Flowering dogwoods signal early spring in the eastern United States. With their bright white flowers (which are actually bracts) and distinctive branching habit, the flowering dogwood is a native tree that is a welcome sight in the home landscape. While the flowering dogwood … [Read more...]
Free Seeds and Plants: 6 Ways To Get Them for Your Garden
Gardening can be a pricey hobby, but it doesn’t have to be. Savvy gardeners have ways of increasing their collections without emptying their bank accounts. Let’s look at six economical ways to get more seeds and plants for your garden. 1. Propagate Your Own Garden Plants If you … [Read more...]
An Overview of Container Gardening
Container Gardening: Background Info To support America’s war effort and feed their families, people in the U.S. planted 20 million victory gardens during World War II, growing nearly 40 percent of all vegetables eaten across the country. Victory gardeners quickly learned … [Read more...]
How to Grow Cauliflower
Cauliflower belongs to the Cole, or cabbage, family but isn't as easy to grow as cabbage. The delicious taste and versatility it provides in your diet is well worth the extra effort; some people even consider cauliflower a delicacy! Cauliflower is a cool-season vegetable that can … [Read more...]