by Matt Gibson When you're considering groundcovers for your yard, is it walkable? Add some color and character to your yard that's sure to turn heads. Instead of grass, try out the following walkable groundcovers in your lawn or garden beds. Having a nice, well-cut and … [Read more...]
8 Plants for Wild Lawns That Do Not Require Mowing
by Matt Gibson Want to eliminate the need to mow your yard and find yourself seeking some low-maintenance lawn alternatives? Check out these eight plants perfect for wild lawns that do not require mowing. We’ve handpicked a few alternatives to grass for you to choose from when … [Read more...]
Lawn Alternatives with Edible Landscaping, Rain Gardens, and Herb Gardens
Have you ever wondered why we fertilize our yards and spray our grass with harmful chemicals that will make it grow faster and fuller and then gripe about the fact that we have to mow it again? Edible Landscaping If you find yourself wondering why you’re out there mowing … [Read more...]