Question: I can't determine what is happening to my parsnips. Could it be aphids? What is wrong with my parsnips? -Tim J. Answer: Not much is likely to go wrong with your parsnip crop if it is well-grown as part of a crop rotation. Several diseases, such as downy mildew and … [Read more...]
How Do You Care For Parsnips?
Question: How do you care for parsnips? Is it like growing carrots? -Pamela C. Answer: A hardy biennial, parsnips are usually grown as an annual root crop.They look similar to carrots, only they’re usually a shade of white and oftentimes thicker. Unfortunately, I don’t lump … [Read more...]
Can you grow parsnips in containers?
QUESTION: I don't have much space for a garden. Can you grow parsnips in containers? -Gina R. … [Read more...]