Question: Can you eat cauliflower with black spots? Is it going bad? -Heather G. Answer: Yes, cauliflower with small brown or black spots is often still safe to eat, but it depends on the severity of the discoloration. Cauliflower naturally develops light brown … [Read more...]
Can cauliflower be grown in pots?
Question: I want to make room in my garden for other vegetables and grow more plants in containers. Can cauliflower be grown in pots? Should I grow it differently than when planting in the ground? -Heather F. Answer: Cauliflower is a relatively large vegetable, but its root … [Read more...]
How Do You Store Cauliflower From The Garden?
Question: How do you store cauliflower from the garden? I'd like to freeze it, if possible. Do I need to blanch it? -Tommy H. Answer: Store cauliflower in a cold and moist place, 32°-40°F (0°-4°C) and 95 percent relative humidity. Cold and moist storage can be a challenge. … [Read more...]
How do you get rid of bugs on cauliflower?
Question: I can't tell which pests are eating the cauliflower leaves. How do you get rid of bugs on cauliflower? -Richard W. Answer: Common signs of an insect infestation are holes in leaves, tracks on foliage, missing vegetation, and stunted growth. Common cauliflower pests … [Read more...]
Do you need to cover cauliflower?
Question: Do you need to cover cauliflower? How do I keep cauliflower heads white? -Sam R. Answer: Blanching, the process of covering cauliflower heads with their own leaves, is essential to keeping cauliflower heads white, tender, and mild-tasting. Improper blanching leads … [Read more...]