QUESTION: Can you get purple crepe myrtle trees? Most of the ones I see in my neighborhood are pink, so I have been looking at other tree options because I don’t really want pink blooms. – Vanessa D
ANSWER: Yes, there are many varieties of purple crepe myrtles. I’ll walk you through a few of your options and let you know their height specifications to help you choose the best option for your growing space.
1. Twilight Crepe Myrtle
If you’re in the market for a crepe myrtle that produces darker purple blooms, this could be a good choice for you. This tree can grow to reach heights between 15- and 25-feet tall.
2. Catawba Crepe Myrtle
This version of a purple crepe myrtle produces lighter blooms. These are typically more of a lavender color. This is another good mid-sized option for a crepe myrtle as it reaches heights ranging from 10- to 15-feet tall.
3. Purely Purple Black Diamond Crepe Myrtle
This is a gorgeous option for a vibrant, purple crepe myrtle. These blooms are large and rich in color. As with most crepe myrtles, you should plant a purely purple in full sun. However, this is another mid-size option as it only reaches heights between 10- and 12-feet once fully grown.
4. Mardi Gras
The Mardi gras crepe myrtle comes in an array of different colors. However, the purple variety is a rich option that’s sure to catch the eyes of those passing by it. If you’d like to add this plant to your landscape, it’s a great choice as it only grows to be 2-feet tall and 2-feet wide.
5. Purple Velvet
The purple velvet crepe myrtle is another dwarf variety which makes it a great fit for most growing locations. It produces bright purple blooms and only grows to be between 4- and 5-feet tall.
6. Velma’s Royal Delight
Velma’s royal delight is another purple variety of crepe myrtle. The blooms of this choice are also a bright purple. However, this tree is a little larger as it can reach heights between 6- and 8-feet tall once fully matured.
7. Zuni
The Zuni crepe myrtle tree produces blooms that range from deep purple to a pinkish-purple. This plant will need more room to grow as it can reach heights ranging from 9- to 12-feet tall.
8. Lipan
If you’d like a crepe myrtle with a purple tint but not a deep purple color, this could be a great option for you. This variety of crepe myrtle can grow as tall as 8- to 15-feet.
9. Powhatan
Our last variety of purple crepe myrtle is the Powhatan. This option produces deep purple blooms and will grow as tall as 20-feet once fully matured.
If you’re searching for a purple crepe myrtle, these options should put you on the right path. They range in depth of color and height, so there should be something for everyone.
Do consider your growing location prior to picking a purple crepe myrtle. Remember, smaller varieties are best for smaller spaces. We hope you enjoy your new crepe myrtle and that it adds an abundance of beauty around your home or growing location.
More About Crepe Myrtle

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