By Jennifer Poindexter
Do you have a problem with fleas around your home? Would you like to keep fleas away before they become a problem?
Whether you’re trying to curb an existing issue or deter a problem from developing, planting things in your landscape that serve as a natural flea repellent could help.
I have dogs, and I love them. I certainly don’t want a pest munching on them causing them discomfort or worse, illness.
If you feel the same way, browse the list below. Pick out the plants that work for your planting zone and landscape design, and start taking steps to repel fleas:
1. Citronella
Citronella is a lush green plant typically used to deter mosquitos, but did you know it’ll help deter fleas as well? The plant is a tender perennial and is grown as an annual in most locations as it’s only hardy in zones nine through eleven.
However, if you’d like to incorporate this plant as part of your annual flower bed or container garden, be sure to provide the right growing conditions. Citronella grows best in areas with bright sunlight, dappled afternoon shade, and well-draining soil.
2. Marigolds
Marigolds are useful flowers to incorporate into your garden or landscape. They’re known for keeping a variety of pests away including fleas and snakes.
If you’d like bright, beautiful flowers don’t overlook this gem. Most marigold varieties are annuals but grow well at different parts of the year in zones two through eleven. Be sure to supply this flower with full sunlight and well-draining soil.

3. Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is a great option to plant if you’d like to invite pollinators while deterring fleas. This plant is a perennial herb that produces lush foliage and an acidic lemon scent.
Should you wish to add lemon balm to your herb garden be sure to supply the right growing conditions. This plant is hardy in planting zones three through seven. It also needs full to partial sunlight with well-draining soil.
4. Lemon Grass
Lemon grass is another vibrant green plant. This plant also produces a fresh lemon scent that’s frequently used for a variety of culinary purposes.
However, lemon grass can also be used to keep fleas away from your home. This plant needs full sunlight and nutrient-dense soil that drains adequately. Lemon grass is usually grown as an annual as it’s only hardy in planting zones nine and ten.
5. Catnip
Catnip makes a wonderful indoor or outdoor plant. This plant produces lush, green foliage and small blooms when it goes to seed.
You can incorporate this herb to your surroundings as long as you select an area with full sunlight and well-draining soil. Catnip is considered a perennial in planting zones three through nine.
6. Fleawort
Fleawort might resemble a weed if you were unsure of what you’re looking at. This plant produces a vibrant yellow flower at the tip of its stem and contains both male and female parts. For this reason, it’s considered self-fertile.
If you’d like to grow fleawort around your home, it’s great for a variety of soil types as long as it’s planted in well-draining soil. Fleawort is considered a biennial plant.

7. Thyme
Thyme is great for culinary use, but it’s also wonderful at keeping fleas away. This is a perennial herb that remains hardy in planting zones five through nine.
Should this feel like a good fit for your landscape or herb garden, be sure to supply thyme with plenty of sunlight and well-draining soil.
8. Lavender
Lavender is a gorgeous bushing plant that produces light purple blooms. Whether you’d like to add it to your in-ground garden plot or raised beds, it could be a great way to add life to your yard while keeping fleas away.
When growing lavender around your yard, prepare a place where it can remain undisturbed during dormancy as this is a perennial herb. Lavender remains hardy in planting zones five through nine and grows best in areas with full sunlight and well-draining soil.
9. Chamomile
Chamomile produces small white blooms with bright yellow centers. They’re frequently used to make herbal teas, but chamomile can also be used for keeping pests away.
Should this feel like a good fit for you, be sure to provide chamomile with full to partial sunlight. It also needs well-draining soil. This is a perennial plant that should remain hardy in planting zones three through nine.
10. Mint
Mint produces a fresh fragrance, but it can also become quite invasive. Be mindful where you plant mint as it could take over its growing space.
Once you have the right area in mind, be sure to supply mint with ample sunlight and well-draining soil. Mint is a perennial and should remain hardy in planting zones three through eight.

11. Tansy Ragwort
Tansy ragwort is a type of herb which produces green foliage and bright yellow flowers. This herb is a perennial in planting zones three through eight. Should you wish to add it to your herb garden, be sure to supply tansy ragwort with a growing location that provides aerated, well-draining soil.
It’s important to note, tansy ragwort should be grown for its beauty or keeping pests away. It produces a toxin which is poisonous to both humans and some animals if eaten.
12. Chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemums come in a variety of colors. They’re a great way to add color and vibrance to your home during the autumn months. If you’d like to grow mums for their flea deterring abilities, too, be sure you provide what the plants need.
In most cases, chrysanthemums require a growing location with bright sunlight. They also need well-draining soil. Mums should remain hardy in planting zones five through nine.
13. Wormwood
Wormwood stands out as a bushy green plant that also has a silver hint to it. This plant remains hardy in planting zones four through nine.
If you’d like to grow wormwood to keep fleas away, be sure to pick a location with plenty of sunlight and well-draining soil.
14. Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus is a fast-growing, uniquely shaped tree that’s commonly used for decorative purposes. This is a perennial tree in planting zones eight through eleven.
However, it grows so quickly you may be able to grow it for annual purposes as well. Supply eucalyptus trees with full sunlight and well-draining soil.

15. Sage
Sage is a bushy herb that produces a wonderful fragrance and has a variety of culinary uses. You may grow this herb as either a perennial or annual. Expect sage to remain hardy in planting zones four through eleven.
When growing sage, supply a location with full to partial sunlight. This plant also needs a location with well-draining soil.
16. Rue
Rue produces bright green foliage and gorgeous yellow blooms. This plant is not only nice to look at, but it also is known for helping to keep fleas at bay.
Should you wish to grow rue, be sure to supply a location with well-draining soil and full to partial sunlight. Rue remains hardy in planting zones four through ten.

17. Fleabane Daisy
Fleabane daisy is another flower which produces white blooms and bright yellow centers. These flowers are considered annual, perennial, or biennial depending upon the variety you choose.
When growing fleabane daisies, be sure to provide a growing location with full sunlight and well-draining soil. The perennial varieties should remain hardy in planting zones five through nine.
18. Oregano
Oregano is one of the classic herbs that many people add to their gardens due to their vibrant green foliage and use around the kitchen.
However, oregano is also useful at keeping fleas at bay. Oregano desires a growing location with full sunlight and well-draining soil. It should remain hardy in planting zones four through ten.
19. Rosemary
Rosemary is another herb common in many gardens. People love it due to its beautiful foliage and delicious taste.
If you’d like to grow rosemary for these purposes (and for keeping fleas away) be sure to supply a location with ample sunlight and well-draining soil. This plant can be grown as an annual but should remain hardy in planting zones seven through ten.
20. Sweet Bay
Sweet bay is a type of tree. In their native climate, they can reach heights up to forty feet. In most places, sweet bay will be an indoor plant half the year.
However, this plant is hardy in planting zones eight and higher. If you’d like to grow sweet bay, be sure to supply a location with bright light and well-draining soil. Be sure to keep temperatures around this plant above freezing and allow the soil to dry fully between waterings.
You now have twenty different plants to grow to help deter fleas around your home and garden. There are gorgeous options for a variety of planting zones.
Look at the plants that work for your planting zone, figure out how to supply the plants’ needs, and start adding charm to your landscape while keeping unwanted pests away.
Learn More About Plants That Repel Fleas

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