The world of flowering plants include more than just annuals and perennials. Hundreds of varieties of vines, shrubs and bulbs add beautiful flowers and various colors to the garden.
Want to learn the hidden meanings of each flower? Check out our alphabetical list and dictionary of the meanings of each type of flower here and send a secret message.
Allium: Also known as flowering onion, this plant grows from a bulb or from seed, and produces globes of purple clusters of flowers atop long stems. Plant in full sun, in moist but well-drained soil.
Anemone: Also known as windflower, these tuberous flowers produce poppy-like blooms in early-to-mid spring. Plant anemones in full sun or part shade.
Artemisia: This perennial plant is grown more for its silvery, white foliage than for the small, white flowers, but makes an excellent backdrop for more showy flowers in a perennial bed. Give Artemisia (hardy to zone 4) dry, moderately fertile soil.
Alyssum: Classified as a perennial, this plant is grown as an annual in cold climates. Its tiny clusters of blooms are attractive at the edge of a bed or in pots with geraniums or other annuals.
Aster: Asters bloom in late summer to early fall, when many other perennials have faded. They range from varieties that skim the ground, to those towering 6 feet high. The daisy-like flowers come in many colors; the most common shades are purple, lavender, pink, red, blue and white. Plant asters in moist, well-drained soil in a sunny area.
Astilbe: For color in a shade garden, few perennials can beat astilbe. The plants produce feathery, plumelike flowers and fernlike leaves. Astilbes prefer acidic, moist soil and partial shade.
Bachelor Button: Sometimes called cornflower, this plant is more frost-hardy than most annuals, and produce small, multi-petaled flowers. Sow seeds in the garden in early spring in a sunny location.
Balloon Flower: Balloon flowers bring to mind cottage gardens, with their old-fashioned bell-shaped flowers. Plant these perennials in sun or partial shade. They prefer slightly acidic, moist soil.
Bee Balm: Plant bee balm in a perennial bed, but keep an eye on it. This plant can become invasive. The large, bright flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Grow bee balm in sun or partial shade and a rich soil.
Bellflower: This old fashioned perennial has lovely bell-shaped flowers; most varieties are blue, lavender, pink or white. Plant bellflower in sun and provide moist, rich soil.
Blanketflower: Gaillardias, or blanketflowers, thrive in hot, dry locations and produce daisy-like flowers in a variety of hues, such as red, yellow and gold. Many are multi-colored. Plant them in sandy, well-drained soil and don’t overwater them.
Bleeding Heart: This native plant produces spectacular white, pink or red heart-shaped blooms on long, arching stems. Plant bleeding hearts in slightly acidic, moist soil in partial shade.
Bougainvillea: This thorny shrub or vine-like plant grows throughout the Southwestern and Southeastern United States. Its flowers are papery and come in a variety of shades, such as fuschia, pink, white or salmon. It loves heat, full sun and dry conditions. Grow it as an annual in the north.
Broom: Broom is a fast-growing shrub with an open, arching habit. It is covered with yellow flowers in spring. Plant broom in full sun. It tolerates poor, sandy soil and drought conditions.
Butterfly Weed: Butterfly weed is related to milkweed and attracts not only butterflies, but caterpillars. It produces bright flower clusters in early-to-mid summer. Plant butterfly weed in full sun in light, well-drained soil.
Butterfly Bush: Not to be confused with butterfly weed, this flowering shrub can grow 8 feet high, producing long spikes of colorful blooms. The plant is drought tolerant and prefers full sun. In warm locations, it can become invasive.
Camellia: Camellias are only hardy south of zone 8. If you’re lucky enough to live in a temperate region, though, make a place for them in your yard. The fragrant flowers, which range from red to pink to white are 2 to 5 inches wide and bloom in the winter.
Catmint: This fast-growing perennial produces lavender blooms and soft, green-gray foliage. It grows in full sun or partial shade and is very drought tolerant. And yes, cats adore it.
Chrysanthemum: Mums are generally grown as annuals in cold climates. These plants may produce dime-size pompoms to huge, daisy-like blooms.
Clematis: This flowering vine produces extravagant flowers in mid-summer or late fall, depending on the variety. Plant clematis in full sun, but keep its roots cool with mulch or other plants.
Columbine: Columbines grow wild in woodlands throughout the United States, but their lovely, fragile blooms complement perennial beds, as well. Grow columbines in partial shade to full sun.
Coneflower: Daisy-like blooms and easy care make coneflower a good choice for any perennial bed. Black-eyed Susan is a popular variety and may stand 6 inches high to 4 feet high. Purple coneflower produces large purple flowers with iridescent centers. Coneflower prefers full sun and tolerates drought.
Coral Bells: Delicate red or pink bells dangle above wiry stems. Coral bells are hardy to zone 3 and grow well in a shade garden. They prefer moist, fertile soil with good drainage.
Coreopsis: These cheery yellow or orange flowers resemble daisies and grow in almost any conditions. They are short-lived, but self-sow. Deadhead the flowers to keep the plant looking tidy.
Cosmos: Cosmos grow easily, producing light airy flowers most of the summer. They grow as much as 4 feet high and may require staking. Plant them in full sun or part shade. They prefer slightly dry, infertile soil.
Crocus: This spring-blooming bulb pokes its head up long before other plants appear. The flowers come in a variety of colors and resemble small, delicate tulips. Plant crocus in sun or shade. If you have the room, plant them in several locations to extend bloom time.
Cyclamen: Most people think of the exotic florists’ cyclamen that produce large, magnolia-like blooms, but alas, they are only hardy to zone 9. If you live in a northern climate, try hardy cyclamen, hardy to zone 5. The flowers are slightly smaller, but just as beautiful. Plant cyclamen corms in mid-summer.
Dahlia: Once you’ve mastered spring-blooming bulbs, try your hand at summer-blooming bulbs, such as dahlias. These flowers are planted in the spring after the last frost for a summer display of large, multi-petaled blooms. Dig them up and store them after the first few frosts.
Day Lily: Day lilies are a hardy plant, often found growing along ditches and in fields, a testament to their low-maintenance style. Plant day lilies in full sun or partial shade. Divide them every two to three years.
Delphinium: These majestic plants are a bit finicky, but earn their keep in beautiful spikes of blooms. They prefer cool summers, rich alkaline soil and moist conditions. Stake tall delphiniums to keep them from toppling.
Foxglove: This old-fashioned plant is a bit hard to grow and may not reliably come back in cold climates. Plant it in partial shade. Foxglove prefers well-drained, moist, fertile soil. Foxglove is toxic.
Gas Plant: The gas plant grows slowly, but rewards the patient gardener with pink or white flower spikes in early spring. This plant prefers full sun to partial shade. The plants produce a gas on humid summer nights. Lore says the gas can be ignited by a match.
Gayfeather: These native American wildflowers produce tall stalks of delicate flowers. Plant them in full sun. Hardy to zone 4.

Geranium: Common geraniums are most often grown as annuals north of zone 7, although they overwinter well in a sunny, indoor location. The flowers come in a variety of colors and the plants have a peppery smell. Grow them in full sun.
Gladiolus: Like dahlias, gladiolus are summer-blooming corms. They produce spikes of colorful blooms. Grow them in a sunny location and dig them up when the first fall frost arrives.
Globeflower: These perennial flowers grow best in partial shade, producing large round flowers in shades of yellow or orange.
Grape Hyacinth: These bulbs bloom in spring, producing clusters of tiny blue or purple flowers that resemble grapes. Plant them in late summer in full sun or part shade.
Hardy Geranium: These perennial plants are not related to annual geraniums. They produce five-petaled blooms from late spring well into summer and prefer partial shade.
Hollyhock: Hollyhocks were the mainstay of the cottage garden for many years. These biennial plants produce papery flowers in a variety of colors on stalks that may grow 7 feet high. Plant them in full sun in moist, rich soil.
Honeysuckle: This old-fashioned vine produces white and gold blooms and may be quite invasive. Plant it in sun or shade and prune them back to control them.
Hosta: Hostas produce white, lavender or pink blooms, but are grown more for their lush green or variegated foliage. Plant hostas in partial to full shade.
Hyacinth: Hyacinths are spring-blooming bulbs that produce spikes of flowers suitable for cuttings. Their sweet scent is also welcome in an indoor arrangement. Plant hyacinth bulbs in early fall.
Hybrid Tea Roses: Hybrid tea roses are among the most common flowers for wedding bouquets. While they take a bit of pampering to grow, the sturdy blooms make lovely, long-lasting flower arrangements. Plant tea roses in full sun, in moist, well-drained soil.
Hydrangea: Think hydrangeas are just for Southern gardeners? Think again. While mophead hydrangeas are hardy only to zone 6, several other varieties, such as ‘Annabelle’ thrive in cold regions. Give hydrangeas moist, slightly acidic soil. Learn more.
Impatien: Choose impatiens when you want a quick burst of color in a shady spot. Impatiens are tender annuals, and usually come in pink, red, white, purple or salmon. Plant them after the last frost. Learn more.
Iris: Iris grow from tubers and bloom in early-to-mid spring before most perennials appear. They spread rapidly, requiring division every three to four years.
Jupiter’s Beard: This fast-growing perennial produces bright masses of pink or red flowers mid-to-late summer. The plant prefers full sun, but isn’t picky about soil.
Kerria: This flowering shrub grows 5 to 7 feet high and produces colorful yellow flowers in late spring. The plant prefers partial shade and well-drained soil.
Lamium: Lamium produces lovely spikes of pink, purple or white blooms, but it is more often grown for its variegated leaves. Lamium is a fast-growing ground cover that thrives in shady conditions.
Lantana: These plants produce lovely clusters of tiny flowers on long, trailing vines. A perennial, grown as an annual in northern climates, lantana work well planted en masse, in hanging containers.
Larkspur: Larkspur are an easy-care alternative to fussy delphiniums, producing tall stalks of airy flowers. Plant these annuals in early spring as soon as the soil is soft. They thrive in full sun, or part shade. Mulch larkspur to keep the roots cool. Learn more.
Lavender: Lavender is lovely growing in masses in the perennial bed, but is equally fine in dried arrangements, wreaths or as fragrant sachets. Spanish or French varieties are generally hardy only to zone 6. Choose English lavender in cold regions.
Lilac: Lilac’s unique fragrance and lovely clusters of blooms last for several days in cut arrangements. Lilac prefers full sun, but tolerates drought and poor soils.
Lily-of-the-Valley: The fragrant, white bell-like flowers of this plant are often included in wedding bouquets, but it is also used as a ground cover. Plant it in part to full shade.
Lobelia: The tiny clustered flowers of lobelia look lovely in hanging baskets. Lobelia are most commonly blue although they may also be white. Give these annual plants moist, rich soil and partial sun in hot climates.
Loosestrife: Loosestrife produces tall spikes of pink or purple flowers, making them a good choice for the back of the garden. They provide vertical interest, but are easier to grow than floxgove or delphinium. They do not require staking. Plant loosestrife in full or partial shade.
Lupine: Tall spikes of flower clusters look spectacular at the back of a perennial bed. Most varieties prefer cool, moist conditions. Plant them in sun or light shade.
Marigold: Marigolds have a distinct, peppery smell that some people find displeasing. The good news is that insect pests may also avoid the scent. Sow marigold seeds in flower beds and around the vegetable garden in late spring, after the last frost.
Mock Orange: Mock orange shrubs bear clusters of fragrant white flowers in mid-spring to early summer. The shrub grows 3 to 6 feet high and tolerates almost any soil type. Plant in sun or part shade.
Morning Glory: This annual vine grows quickly, providing instant color on fences, arbors or mailboxes. The plant is slow to germinate – try soaking the seeds or nicking them with a file –but produces lovely, round blooms all summer. It self-sows and may become invasive.
Moon Flower: This relative of the morning glory vine produces fragrant, night-blooming flowers. Like morning glory, it is an annual north of zone 8.
Narcissus: Whether you call them narcissus, daffodils or jonquils, these spring blooming bulbs provide bright cheer under deciduous trees, in flower beds or naturalized in a lawn. Daffodils are most commonly white, yellow, orange or multi-colored. Deer consider tulips a rare delicacy, but avoid daffodils.
Nasturtium: These tender annuals produce ruffled flowers in a variety of bright colors and round, variegated foliage. Both the flowers and leaves are edible. Plant nasturtiums after the last frost in full sun and dry, sandy soil.
Nicotiana: Also known as flowering tobacco, nicotiana has trumpet-shaped flowers that smell sweet at night. Plant nicotiana in full sun, in well-drained, slightly alkaline soil.
New Guinea impatien: New Guinea impatiens have glossy, variegated foliage and larger blooms than regular impatiens. Grow them in partial shade, in moist, cool conditions.
Oleander: Oleander is an evergreen shrub, hardy only to zone 8 or 9. It produces lovely, fragrant white or pink flowers. The plant is highly toxic.
Pansy: Technically a perennial, pansies are treated as frost-hardy annuals in cold climates. Plant them in early spring for some bright color. They are suitable for annual beds, containers and pots. Pansies don’t tolerate heat.
Passion Flower: These robust, tropical vines produce large, showy flowers and even fruit. The maypop is hardy to zone 6 or 7; other varieties grow in warm climates only. Grow passion flower vines in full sun and light, moist soil.
Peony: Old-fashioned peonies thrive in cold climates and don’t tolerate warm winters, although some new varieties are warm-region adapted. They take several years to become established and may require staking, but their beautiful, lush blooms are worth the wait. Peonies are a popular, if fragile, choice for wedding bouquets.
Petunias: Petunias are frost-tender annuals related to the potato. They come in many colors and bloom profusely from early summer. Plant petunias in beds or containers in full sun. Water them regularly during hot weather. Petunias grow slowly from seed; most gardeners prefer to use nursery transplants.
Pinks: Dianthus, commonly known as ‘pinks,’ resemble carnations and come in a variety of colors and sizes. Pinks prefer full sun and thrive in slightly alkaline, well-drained soil.
Poppy: Oriental poppies produce showy flowers in late spring or summer. Plant them in late summer or fall, in full sun, except in hot climates, where they benefit from partial shade.
Primrose: Primrose come in a rainbow of hues and may stand 3 inches high to over 2 feet high, depending on the variety. All primroses prefer partial shade, moist soil and cool conditions. They don’t tolerate hot climates.
Rhododendron: Rhododendron and azaleas are lovely shrubs, with glossy evergreen leaves and brilliant clusters of blossoms. Unfortunately, they are somewhat picky about growing conditions. They require moist, acidic soil and wind protection.
Rose of Sharon: This shrub produces papery, exotic looking flowers in late summer. The shrub has a somewhat columnar growth and is good for hedges. It grows in full sun or part shade and tolerates most soil types.
Salvia: Salvia spreads quickly, forming clumplike masses with stalks of blue, red or lavender flowers. While it is treated as an annual, the plant self-sows prolifically, so you may have volunteers throughout the garden.
Scabiosa: Sometimes called pin cushions, these plants produce lacy blue or white flowers atop 6 inch stems. Plant a mass of them for the best effect. Scabiosa prefers full sun and moist, slightly alkaline soil.
Scilla: These cold-hardy bulbs produce delicate bell-shaped flowers in early spring. The blooms are most often lavender, pink or white. Plant scilla in late fall in sun or part shade.
Sedum: Sedum produce succulent leaves and thick, padded flowers, often in the fall, depending on the variety. Plant them in full-sun, in a rock garden or other infertile place.
Shasta Daisy: Shasta daisies produce white flowers suitable for cut arrangements, blooming through most of the summer. Plant them in full sun, except in hot climates where they benefit from some shade.
Shrub Roses: Shrub roses are old-fashioned cousins of hybrid tea roses. Their blooms are usually less complex, but more fragrant than tea roses. Plant shrub roses in full sun. They require less maintenance than tea roses, but benefit from yearly pruning.
Silver Lace Vine: Silver lace vine produces clusters of pink or white blooms in late summer, when most other vines and perennials are slowing down. It tolerates poor soil and drought conditions.
Snap Dragon: Snap dragons are perennials grown as half-hardy annuals. They produce stalks of flowers in a variety of hues and bloom long after most annuals are killed off by frost. Sow seeds in late spring in full sun.
Snowball bush: This viburnum grows 8 to 12 feet high and produces large, round clusters of white flowers in mid-to-late spring. Snowball bush isn’t picky about soil types and tolerates drought.
Snowdrops: Plant these bulbs in late summer for an early spring display. Snowdrops are usually the first flowers to appear, brightening a dreary landscape with their white, drooping flowers.
Sweet Pea: Sweet peas are related to garden peas and produce fragrant white, pink or blue flowers on climbing vines. Plant them in early spring since they prefer cool temperatures.
Trumpet Vine: This robust, climbing vine produces fragrant trumpet-shaped flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Plant it in full sun in slightly dry conditions. Learn more.
Tulip: A large display of spring-blooming tulips makes a stunning and welcome statement when most other plants are dormant. Tulips come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. Plant them in fall, choosing heavy, well-formed bulbs that show no signs of rot. Learn more.
Vinca: Also known as periwinkle, vinca is a ground cover that produces glossy, dark green leaves and blue or white flowers in early spring. Grow vinca anywhere you need a fast-growing ground cover. The plant tolerates dry, poor soils and shade.
Wisteria: Wisteria is not for the faint-hearted. These exotic, long-lived vines require a strong support (never a tree) and may become invasive in warm climates. Their violet, white or pink clusters of blooms bloom unpredictably and are easily killed by cold.
Yarrow: Yarrow produce clusters of yellow, white, salmon, pink or red flowers atop long stems. Their airy, grayish green foliage is attractive, as well. Yarrow spread quickly and tolerate drought and poor soils.
The choices may seem limitless, but for great results, choose plants adapted to your area that require little care. Combine shrubs with perennials, bulbs and annuals for a pleasing landscape theme.

I’m sorry to bother you, but I have found a flower in my garden that is purple and has got a feathery middle!
I was just wondering what it is called!
Could you please contact me to tell me what it is called?
Yours curiously,
Emily borthwick
It’s called an Astilbe. It has feathers in it’s middle and it could be a plumlike color.
Yours truly,
Lauren E. Erwin
Hi, I was wondering if there is a flower with the name “Amy”? I know that often roses and camillias have ladies names and I was wondering if there is one called Amy. A friend just had a baby by that name and I thought a named plant might be nicer rather than just another bunch of flowers. Thank you for your help. Rebecca
Your flower is the rare type. It is found in suburbs mostly. It is called lavender bow.
Yours hapily,
Amber Farster Lorense
Hi – A friend described a flower she likes as white with a hint of green, long with a nice fragrance. She can’t remember the name but said it’s something like ‘car…’ or ‘cal…’. Any ideas on what flower it could be? Thanks for any help.
calla lillies??
i really like flowers Nd i was wondering if you can put more names 🙂
mini rios
This helped me with my homework on Science/On Plants/Flowers. And now I know all about Flowers so whoever who created this page thanks a lot!!
I agree, this helped with my language HW. It also helped my knowledge of flowers.
our friends becky and paul have moved upstate from us and I wish to send them flower seeds in thier name. Becky is a varr. of a shasta dasiy but for 3 days I have been unable to find any varr. for paul and the lummoxes in the library are unwilling to help. any suggestions?
The Paul Scarlet is a climbing rose with red flowers that bloom pretty much the year round… a smaller Rose I have only seen them in red and they usually group in clusters
hello, there is a plant that i wish to put in our garden, found it in one of private homes in manila. its cluster of pink and white small flowers and like boungavillae grows 6 to 7 feet tall. thank you
Why aren’t Zinnias listed on the last two sites I have been on???
i’m sorry to bother you but isn’t katniss a flower name???
No there is no flower of these name, there is flower, name catmint .
I know what you mean, Katniss Everdeen, Primrose Everdeen and Rue~ 😀
hunger games!!!!!
@Nikki yes “Katniss” is the common name for a real plant found across the U. S. in boggy or low-lying areas. It has white flowers, arrowhead shaped leaves 9at least one variety has long slender leaves) and edible tubers. The tubers were a common food source used by Native Americans, and are eaten much like potatoes. Katniss belongs to a genus named Sagittaria which has about 30 species of aquatic plants.
Please i need names of flowers that produces bright colors, sweat scents, and attractive leaves.
well first of all there is lavender which has a purplish color and a smell so sweet it wipes you off your feet,next there is an orchid so beautiful. it has a sweet sugary pink hue that it makes it seem tender and lovely.Now the smell is what knocks me out it has a tender,sweet,juicy smell of sugary water and makes you feel in paradise,next is the hibiscus a beautiful flower indeed it has the colors of a tender pink, sugary purple,and icy,sweet blue okay so the smell isn’t so rocking but I’ll give it an 8.9 it has a tough,icy,and fresh smell,on to the last one my personal favorite is the morning glory its colors are icy blue,sugary purple,tender pink,and tough orange.Now it’s smell is all that because its smells of fresh rosy dawn air and looks prettier then the girl who wheres the shiniest jewel and it looks best when it rains all those shiny raindrops in its sparkly tender petals so beautiful please answer and say which one you liked best and write a poem based on it if you like but please tell me which one you liked best
sincerely,Sara Loya (contact me on twitter type in sara loya no capitals)
hay thanks
in summer i am doing the garding. so i need bright colors.
do you know were to get colorful plants?
thanks again
p.s what do you get a 10 year old girl for here b day ? 🙂
I just bought 3 plants from an Asian woman at a market, she told me their me BUT its something like a Dragon plant. It has red papery flowers which grow from a long stem in clusters of four. The leaves are quite big like a spear. Reminds me of the way orchids grow. I would love some help with this because they are very striking flowers. Blessings to you from Maggie. [South Australia]
i like flowers very much
because it is beautiful,fresh and useful
i have many types of flowers like
rose lily sunflower
I have a big problem and am in hopes you can help me. I live in very hot Arizona and our summer tempatures can get up to 116 degrees in the summer and down to 30 in the winter. I have 3 bouganville plants against the back wall, they do fine in the summer but each winter they freeze but come back. Because of the freezing every year they are only about 3 feet tall and do not look very good. I really want something against that wall that will grow to 6 feet and bloom every year. What is the matter with my bouganville other people around here have bushes that grow 5 or 6 feet and are beautiful? Right now they look like horrible sticks out there.
name of plant that booms 4 different colors on same plant??
Hi , I wonder if you can help me with my Yesterday,today, as the leaves are very light green and I thought that was lack of fertilizer, so I gave it 3.2.1. which has not made any difference to the leaves.? please could you help me!
it was not really a lack of fertilizer all leaves start off with a light green , but if they don’t change then probably you need to water them or that’s their original color
I was wondering if you could tell me if butterfly dasies need morning sun or can they do good in all day sun
This site was very useful and went on my favourite list however the only flower that I was looking for was an acacia and unfortunately for this site it did not have it which means it therefore did not meet my needs but I think that this site has a lot of different flowers but I now that it would lack in some of the flowers when people need to find a certain flower and I have different websites to do with flowers and fortunately all of them apart from one other one, which is to do with purple flowers, but they all have the flowers that I need and more so this website is lacking in some points but I would say that it did not meet my standards nearly as much as the other ones did so unfortunately I have to say that if anyone asked me about flowers I would not recommend this website to them if they were looking for a flower that I knew wasn’t on this site however I would recommend the other sites without any thought so this site sadly does lack in knowledge of flowers but helped me dearly.
I was given a few Rose bush cuttings; the roses were pale pink to pink an grew in clusters or bouquets. I moved an didn’t get a chance to get some cuttings. All I knew it by was Grandma’s Rose bush. Would you know this Rose’ name or where I could order a few bushes. Respectfully,
T. Rios
please i so need to find the plant called wedding bells, they are all white and the tree/bush stands about 15 feet. can you help me please.
have a shrub in my garden which has lovely blue flowers and last throughto autum would like another but cant remember name of it
Carnations, Violets, Zinnias? I’m also wondering if there’s a real name for a blue lily
Does anyone know the name of a flower that is yellow and has a brown bass with white spots on the inside? Kinda hangs down off the vine and has a hole in the top making the inside hollow. Any ideas?
I had a flower and I can’t remember the name. It was a Something Red, starting with an M, I think. Like a Manchester Red or Manzania Red or something like that. It was a climbing plant with pretty flowers. I think it was supposed to be a perennial if it was in a warm enough place, but even covered it didn’t survive our Illinois winter. Do you know the name?
I’m trying to find the name of a plant I had in my old property. I now live in a bungalow and would love to get some more. They were daisy like had pinkish & white petals that slept ( closed up at night ) & then opened up in the sunshine.
I have had this perennial so long I can’t remember the name of it. It has blossomed finally after so many years. Leaves are jagged and blossoms are orange with black in sides of middle. About 2 ft tall.
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The flower is white in colour have four sides same white colour if any body knows this flower name plz tell me
I have a Wisteria issue. I was ignorant and planted 2! one on each side of the front door. Luckily we have a bronze plant hanger it likes to grow up. I cut it back every fall…..and like clockwork, it’s back in the spring. One side didn’t make it (yay!) I have even put SALT on top of where it blooms. It still comes up.
Any ideas for killing it off would be appreciated. Also any ideas about killing off poison ivy as well. I live in zone 6.
Thank You Very Much
Hi can you tell me if there are any flowers with the nickname paul or boose in them please?
I have been given some seeds, she didn’t remember the name but it had something like shoe or boot in the name.
Any ideas what it might be and what the flower’s will be like.
How to kill of Wisteria and poison ivy.
Is there a flower called 4 oclock