Is the beef or pork that you buy at the grocery store marked Product of USA really from animals that were raised and slaughtered in another country?
Under current USDA rules, multinational companies can sell meat raised and slaughtered abroad with a “Product of USA” label alongside truly domestic products raised by U.S. ranchers.
The Ranchers-Cattlemen Legal Action Fund, United Stockgrowers of America (R-CALF USA) and Cattle Producers of Washington (CPoW) have filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Washington against the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The suit alleges that USDA regulations that allow beef and pork to be classified as “domestic products,” even when those meat products are imported from other countries, confuse consumers and harm American farmers.
“Consumers understandably want to know where their food comes from, and proper labeling would not only allow consumers to make informed choices at the market, but would also be a boon for American farmers,” said David Muraskin, a Food Safety and Health Attorney at Public Justice. “With this suit, we’re fighting policies that put multinational corporations ahead of domestic producers and shroud the origins of our food supply in secrecy.”
Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL), when properly implemented, helps cut through this labeling confusion and allows customers to select domestic goods, if they prefer, which in turn rewards producers who work within domestic laws and regulations.
NAFTA currently restricts labeling on imported live cattle and hogs from Canada and Mexico, even though more than 90 percent of consumers say they want to know whether the meat they eat was born, raised, or slaughtered abroad.
“Consumers understandably want to know where their food comes from, and proper labeling would not only allow consumers to make informed choices at the market, but would also be a boon for American farmers,” said David Muraskin, a Food Safety and Health Attorney at Public Justice. “With this suit, we’re fighting policies that put multinational corporations ahead of domestic producers and shroud the origins of our food supply in secrecy.”
“The USDA should return to common sense labeling that gives consumers truthful information and U.S. ranchers a fair shake in the marketplace. Farmers and families should both be able to expect the U.S. government will be on their side,” said Beth Terrell of Terrell Marshall Law Group.
The USDA previously required Country-of-Origin Labeling, even acknowledging that the policy corrected the conflict between its rules and the requirements of the Meat Inspection Act. However, in 2016, it reverted to its previous regulations, allowing imported meat to be passed off as domestic products. When COOL is not properly applied to imported meat and livestock, domestic ranchers and farmers tend to receive lower prices for their meat because multinational companies can import meat and misleadingly present it as homegrown, rather than paying domestic producers for their products.
“Transnational beef packers are supplanting U.S. beef production with imported beef, including from countries with questionable food safety practices,” said Bill Bullard, CEO of R-CALF USA. “Unfortunately, our U.S. Department of Agriculture is helping them by making sure consumers cannot distinguish imported beef from USA beef. This is harming America’s farmers and ranchers and is not what Congress intended. We hope our lawsuit helps U.S. consumers choose to buy American beef.”
Scott Nielson, president of CPoW, echoed that sentiment: “Cattle Producers of Washington proudly raise a safe wholesome product under the rules and regulations required by our lawmakers. We should not be forced to compete with beef from other countries that do not have the same health and safety standards without the ability to allow the American consumer to make an informed decision about what they are feeding their families.”
More on the subject: Grass-fed meat in Colorado isn’t always what you think
As an American citizen, I demand from my government honesty in USDA meat labeling! If the meat hasn’t been raised in the US conforming to US regulations & standards, I want to know. How else can I protect myself & my family from diseases & harmful hormones?
It used to be the US government protected its citizens instead of monied self interest groups.
Valorie White, RN, retired
Thank you!
From 1 nurse to another!!
I am not sure the US gov ever really protected us. I think there was the illusion they once did. They used to care if the illusion was there but they don’t now. Anyone that has ever been, is in, or runs for office that tries to protect us is vilified, discredited or worse. Look at RFKjr as a prime example.
As for me and my family we want American only. We do not want beef or pork from other countries and we want labeling to be correct.
I want to be given the choice to choose American Raised beef vs. beef raised in other countries. And the label should reflect the origin. Why should our harvest-ready beef be put down and then import beef from other countries. We need to sustain ourselves. I want my family to be given the choice. Don’t kill and discard our USA beef just so other countries can send us theirs! We are the USA! Americans stand up for your American Beef and pork producers! Demand it!
What is WRONG WITH PEOPLE, NAMELY THOSE IN GOVERNMENT?????? Why would you think we want to eat ANYTHING FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY WITHOUT OUR KNOWLEDGE!!!!!??? EVERYTHING WE EAT & EVEN THE TOYS OUR KIDS & Pets play with!!!!! Country of Origin should be on EVERYTHING!!! We should have the right to know WHERE THINGS ESPECIALLY OUR FOOD COMES FROM!!!!!!!!!!
drain the swamp
As an american citizan please tell me why we are importing beef from foreign countrys , when our Ranchers are having to destroy American cattle, poultry, milk being dumped ? I demand to know our food products are made in america with USDA labeling showing proof of origin
As our president says, “Let’s make American strong again.” Why are we even allowing meats and produces from foreign countries to come into our country. We have farmers here that need our support. I want to buy ONLY meats and produce grown in America. I think it should be mandatory to have our foods labeled. I check my grocery products every time I shop. If it’s not made in the USA I don’t buy it. Meats, fish, sea foods and produce should be labeled. I am an American and I should have a choice of the country of origin before I buy. What has happened to us. What has happened to made in America. We need to bring jobs, factories and production back to America ONLY. The long hours our farmers spend working 24/7. We OWE them support and gratitude. God Bless our American farmers. I am also a retired nurse.
I remember when Walmart proudly sold only Made in USA products. Greed is the spearhead of all evil and we are the ones being poked up the wazoo with their spears.
Go to and sign the email petition. The are euthanizing USA cattle that are market ready to let beef in from Namibian and Brazil!
Well it looks like our past “leader” (2015-2016) was
very busy trying to bring this country down.
All kinds of deceitful mandates.
Our ranchers and farmers work hard to raise their
We (USA) have high standards for raising
all livestock humanely and healthy. Other countries don’t.
Deceiving the consumer about places of origin, killed, dressed ,
packaged is purely evil and dishonest.
I want to see….. or at least have others report to me about the food
I buy. Or I will buy it direct from farmers who want my business.
That is the way we did it in the “old days.” When life was simple
and people knew who to trust and who they couldn’t.
If our home raised food is over priced or not meeting demand….
then … we might need foreign products……But we still have a
right to know where it comes from…… each and every place.!!
Well it isn’t happening the Obama administration said you should not have to put where your meat is coming from are processed I feel everything needs to be labeled where it had been
I totally agree. “Home Grown” does cost more if grown with the loving hands of a true farmer. Home-Grown should mean from should be from a true seed saved from the crop before. ”If it is factory grown with tractors, lots of commercial fertilizer, and insecticide, the seeds do not produce well. that should tell us something.
What can we do. I am just realizing pilgrim jb. Smithfield. All that is non USA. More people need to be aware. I support our farmers and ranchers.
Another corrupt govt org that needs gone or revamped. Washington is doing less and less to uphold the constitution and rights of the people. This article tells nothing about how much meat from other countries is infiltrating our products. Let each country keep their meat and products there where they are used to the lack of sanitary conditions