By Erin Marissa Russell
Wondering which variety of Hoya will fit best into your houseplant collection? We’ve compiled this list of the best Hoyas to grow as houseplants, along with a short description of each one. When we’re done, you’ll be ready to choose new Hoyas for your collection with confidence.
All Hoyas are sometimes called Wax Flower, Wax Plant, or Waxvine. We’ve left these names out of the listing below on account of the repetition.
Hoya acuta
The foliage of Hoya acuta is glossy green and blade-shaped. When it flowers, blossoms open in a cluster of small pink and white flowers. Hoya acuta grows successfully from full sun to partial or dappled sunlight. Plant in soil with a pH level from slightly acidic to neutral, or 6.1 to 7.3.
Hoya affinis (Red Wax Plant)
This Hoya is known for the brightness of its vivid red or pink blooms, which are fragrant. The foliage is bright green and slightly fuzzy. Provide Hoya affinis with filtered direct sunlight and a temperature between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. These plants are sensitive to overwatering, so be sure to let the soil dry out before watering the plant again.
You can test the soil moisture by sticking a finger into the soil, down an inch or so, to see whether the earth feels moist or clings to your skin. If it feels moist or sticks to your finger, there’s still moisture in the soil, and you don’t need to water the plant again yet. Wait until there’s no dampness to the soil and it does not cling to your skin.
Hoya albiflora
This climbing Hoya variety can have vines that twine up to eight feet long. Hoya albiflora is a quick-growing plant that boasts large clusters of white blossoms. Providing this plant with fertilizer will increase the amount of blooms the plant produces.
Hoya archboldiana
The pale pink blossoms of Hoya archboldiana hang, bell-like, in showy clusters. The center of each flower is marked with deep purple. This variety grows successfully where there is plenty of sunlight and a high humidity. It also needs soil that provides plenty of drainage.
Hoya arnottiana
The large, waxy leaves of Hoya arnottiana are a deep green, with a noticeable vein. The flowers can be white or yellow, with yellow flowers appearing when the Hoya is grown in cooler regions. This is a drought-tolerant Hoya variety, so do not water the plant until the top one or two inches of the soil have dried out.
Hoya australis (Blue Hoya, Honey Plant, Porcelain Flower)
The clusters of white, star-shaped flowers of Hoya australis hide a cerise-colored center marking, which is visible under the white corona. This climbing vine can grow to reach lengths of six and a half feet. You will need to provide this Hoya with a trellis, stakes, or other support system to bolster the plant. Provide with bright, indirect light and plenty of drainage. Overwatering is a common problem, so let the soil dry out to a depth of one or two inches before you give the plant any more moisture.
Hoya bicalcarata (Cape Honeysuckle)
The trumpet-shaped orange flowers of Hoya bicalcarata really do resemble the blooms of a honeysuckle vine or trumpet vine. Up to 25 individual flowers make up each blooming cluster, with their trademark honey scent. The climbing vines of this Hoya variety can reach around two feet long. The plant needs around 60 percent humidity to thrive.
Hoya burtoniae
This is one Hoya variety that may take a bit of work to find. You’re likely to have better luck shopping for Hoya burtoniae on a site like Etsy than you will shopping for it at the nursery or garden center. Hoya burtoniae has dark green fuzzy leaves and small red flowers with just a tinge of yellow.
Hoya callistophylla
This Hoya is prized for its pretty foliage, with a light green background and dark green markings that run down the veins of each leaf and around their edges. The star-shaped blossoms are pastel orange or yellow, with red at the tips. With proper care, the vines can stretch to lengths of up to 16 feet.
Hoya camphorifolia
The green teardrop-shaped leaves of Hoya camphorifolia have pale yellow markings lining the veins of each leaf. The frequent blooms are clusters of pink flowers with red centers. The flowers open each morning at dawn and close again at dusk.

Hoya carnosa (Porcelain Flower)
This is an especially quick-growing variety of Hoya that’s a low maintenance plant. For these reasons, Hoya carnosa is a good choice for beginners. Blossoms open into clusters of white star-shaped flowers with deep red markings in the center.
Hoya carnosa ‘Compacta’ (Hindu Rope Plant)
The ruffled, trailing leaves of Hoya carnosa ‘Compacta’ really do resemble the rope for which the plant got its common name. This Hoya is widely available on sites like Etsy, so do some perusing if you can’t locate a specimen at your nursery or garden center. Hoya carnosa ‘Compacta’ likes to be potted in something a little bit small for the plant. (Yes, it likes its roots to be compacted.)
Hoya caudata
Hoya caudata has waxy leaves with an attractive variegation that runs from deep, dark green to pale gray green. The clusters of star-shaped flowers are pale pink to white with red centers and a fuzzy texture. The blossoms last for up to a week but do not have the aroma and nectar of some other, more fragrant Hoyas.
Hoya ciliata (Black Hoya)
The flowers of Hoya ciliata are not truly black but are a purple-brown so deep it can appear black. It thrives in full sun to partial shade, and the vines can twine to lengths from four to six feet. As far as soil is concerned, this Hoya needs excellent drainage and soil with a pH level from slightly acidic to neutral (6.1 to 7.3).
Hoya cinnamomifolia
The green and burgundy flowers of Hoya cinnamomifolia appear more prolifically if the plant is getting enough sunlight. However, bear in mind that the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight; it prefers indirect light instead. Ideal conditions for the plant include 60 percent humidity and monthly fertilizer throughout the spring and summer seasons.
Hoya coronaria
Hoya coronaria’s clusters of star-shaped flowers can appear in shades including red, pink, purple, white, or pale yellow. The flowers only last for a couple of days once they appear. The leaves have a distinctive blue-green color and a fuzzy texture.
Hoya cumingiana
It takes Hoya cumingiana two years to produce its fragrant blossoms, but once it does, you’ll be in heaven smelling the mango and cinnamon scent. Each bloom sets off five to 10 flowers in their cluster formations. Hoya cumingiana is sensitive to overwatering, so be sure to let the soil dry out completely in between watering sessions.
Hoya curtisii (Fung Wax Flower, Hoya Aloha, Tiny-Leaf Porcelain Flower)
The tiny spade-shaped leaves of Hoya curtisii are mottled with a dark green background and patches of pale silvery green. The variegation resembles a camouflage pattern. Hoya curtisii tolerates low humidity environments well, but it will really thrive in more humid settings. Try misting your Hoya curtisii once or twice per week to increase its humidity.
Hoya darwinii
This Hoya boasts dark blue-green foliage and pink flowers with lighter central petals and a rosy pink or red center. In the wild, it has a relationship of mutual gain with the local ants, which take up residence in the Hoya’s leaves.
Hoya diversifolia
The fleshy green foliage of Hoya diversifolia becomes dotted with pink and yellow when the flowers blossom. The blooms are yellow on the outside with a peachy pink center layer. This is an easy type of Hoya to grow, so it is recommended for beginners to work with.
Hoya elliptica
Hoya elliptica is prized for the lovely pattern that appears on its leathery leaves. The leaves are a grassy green color with white markings running along the leaves and edges, the final effect resembling a turtle’s shell. The fragrant clusters of flowers may be pink or white, and they have a fuzzy texture.
Hoya erythrina
Hoya erythrina requires a bit of initial investment from the gardener before it starts to show results. But patient and careful early tending will be rewarded with more rapid growth, after a while. These leaves have a bit of a ruffle or wave to their shape. The flowers are fuzzy with double-decker petals of lemon yellow and white, with crimson accents.
Hoya excavata
Blossoms of the Hoya excavata create lots of nectar and have a vanilla fragrance. The blooms persist for around two weeks on the plant. The pink/red petals are tinged with frosted cherry, with deep pomegranate central petals and a tiny yellow dot in the middle.
Hoya finlaysonii
The foliage of Hoya finlaysonii is light green with dark markings that trail along the leaf’s veins and outer edges, creating a pattern similar to that of a tortoise’s shell. White and burgundy flowers begin to emerge in the summertime, boasting a scent similar to cinnamon. These plants need the temperature to stay above 70 degrees Fahrenheit and the humidity to be kept between 60 and 80 percent.
Hoya fitchii
The blossoms of this pretty Hoya vary in color from orange to pink and yellow. Though brightly colored, the blooms are tiny. Allow Hoya fitchii to dry out completely between waterings, and give it partial sunlight.
Hoya fraterna
Hoya fraterna has apricot-colored blooms, and the interior circle of petals is white like pearls. One umbel can contain as many as 35 individual blossoms. The flowers last for five days and give off a scent that’s been compared to that of a banana.
Hoya imperialis
The large burgundy blossoms of Hoya imperialis have buttery pale yellow centers, making this one of the most visually attractive Hoya varieties out there. These plants need lots of water to replicate the conditions of their tropical habitats, but simultaneously require plenty of drainage.
Hoya inconspicua
Enjoy the small, fragrant burgundy blooms of Hoya inconspicua for months. These long-blooming flowers may appear 15 to 30 at a time. Each blossom lasts about three days, but the blooming period is months long. The leaves of this colorful Hoya start out pink, gradually giving way to the green and white of the mature plant.

Hoya kerrii (Sweetheart Plant, Valentine Hoya)
This Hoya enjoys some contemporary popularity because of the defined heart shape of its leaves. Provide it with some extra humidity by way of misting, and let the soil dry out between waterings. Fertilize once a month or as directed by the instructions, and make sure there is enough aeration in the soil to give roots room to spread out.
Hoya kentiana
The waxy, lance-shaped leaves of Hoya kentiana start out pink, later growing into a green and white variegation. The red flowers are star-shaped and fragrant. This species is a night-blooming type, so watch for the flowers that open in the evening and close with the dawn.
Hoya krohniana ‘Eskimo’ (Heart Leafed Lacunosa)
To really thrive, the Hoya krohniana ‘Eskimo’ needs full sun, though plants can tolerate partial shade. The plant likes for the soil to dry out to a depth of one or two inches in between watering sessions. The tiny, white or pale yellow flowers make an excellent contrast to the spring green color of the foliage.
Hoya lacunosa (Cinnamon Hoya)
The Cinnamon Hoya gets its name not from any resemblance to cinnamon in coloring, but instead for its cinnamon-like fragrance, which emits from the tiny white flowers. This Hoya can stretch to reach heights of up to five feet tall. The plant likes a soil mixture that’s very loose and airy.
Hoya lanceolata bella
This slow-growing Hoya is a good one for beginners because it’s so low maintenance. The white star-shaped blossoms have pink-purple central petals around a yellow center point. Unlike some Hoyas, this variety does not like for the soil to dry out between waterings, so keep it moist.
Hoya macgillivrayi
This quick-growing Hoya has thick, pointed oval leaves of light green. Flowers appear in umbels of six to 10 blossoms and are a deep maroon and star-shaped. You must provide this plant with soil that has good drainage, as it is sensitive to overwatering and the rot or fungal diseases that go along with it.
Hoya madulidii (Black Hoya)
The star-shaped blooms of Hoya madulidii are a deep burgundy-brown. Leaves are a glossy medium green, with subtle markings around the veins and outer edges of the foliage.
Hoya megalaster
The glossy, dark green leaves of Hoya megalaster are in contrast with the deep burgundy blooms that appear on occasion. Hoya megalaster needs to be kept in a space with at least 60 percent humidity. The plants are sensitive to overwatering and the fungal and rot diseases that go along with it, so be sure to let the soil dry out completely in between watering sessions.
Hoya meredithii
The clustered flowers of Hoya meredithii are golden yellow and white. Expect blossoms to last around five days long. Only low doses of fertilizer and a generous hand with moisture are necessary. This Hoya variety also needs a fairly high amount of sunlight.
Hoya mathilde (Hoya Mathilde Splash, Hoya Mathilde Variegata)
This Hoya gets the names “Splash” and “Variegata” for the mottled patches of silvery gray green that accent the dark green surface of the leaves. During the warm season, the plant produces heavy clusters of fragrant white flowers with rosy pink centers.
Hoya multiflora (Shooting Stars)
The blossoms of this Hoya variety really do resemble shooting stars, with the clusters of pointed blooms that have white centers and yellow trails. The blossoms of Hoya multiflora can last for up to 10 days and are noted for their lemon-scented fragrance. This type of Hoya is a bushy shrub that can reach a height of up to eight feet tall.
Hoya obscura
Keep this Hoya out of direct sunlight, as direct light can scorch its leaves with sunscald. Its leaves are veiny and glossy, with a waxy texture. They start out green but may turn red if the plant is getting too much light or too much fertilizer that contains phosphorus. Flowers are fuzzy and ball-shaped, with pink or white coloring. The flowers turn yellow before dropping from the plant when they are spent.
Hoya odorata
The glossy, pointed leaves of Hoya odorata start out with hues on a spectrum from metallic copper to deep pink. As they mature, they turn the bright, waxy green of the mature plant. The white star-shaped flowers emerge from in between the leaves and spread their pleasant fragrance throughout the house.

Hoya pachyclada (Porcelain Flower)
This is a slow-growing variety of Hoya, but it will reward your patience with spherical clusters of waxy, white, star-shaped flowers. The foliage has visual interest as well, with red outlines on each leaf. For Hoya pachyclada to succeed, it needs soil that drains well, direct sunlight, and high humidity.
Hoya pottsii
This tropical plant needs plenty of warmth and sunshine to grow strong and healthy. However, too much direct light will cause sun stress, which turns the leaves red. The tiny flowers can be just about any shade and bloom in spherical, fragrant clusters.
Hoya purpureofusca
The blossoms of Hoya purpureofusca can appear along a spectrum of colors, from pink to deep purple. For the best performance, especially from blossoms, provide this plant with plenty of full sunshine or bright shade, keep evenly moist, and provide plenty of drainage. The vines can reach up to 10 feet long with proper care.
Hoya retusa
This Hoya variety has distinctive thin, narrow foliage that resembles blades of grass. When blossoms open, they are white and star-shaped with maroon centers. The plant does best in bright indirect light, in spots between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Hoya serpens
Hoya serpens has pea green leaves that are round or oval. These are accented by the fuzzy little pale green flowers, which are topped with another layer of pale pink petals and their rosy pink and yellow centers.
Hoya shepherdii (Stringbean Hoya)
The Stringbean Hoya gets its name from the appearance of the waxy green leaves, which are long and narrow like a stringbean. The flowers are white with deep pink centers, and like most Hoya blossoms, they appear in clusters. This Hoya variety is not picky about the humidity of its environment. You should allow the soil to dry out where Hoya shepherdii is growing before watering it again.
Hoya sigillatis
The narrow, lance-shaped leaves of Hoya sigillatis have a beautiful variegation, the olive green background mottled with patches of pale gray green. The overall effect resembles a camouflage pattern. The leaves will turn red if the plant is getting too much sunshine.
Hoya skinneriana (Hoya ‘Dee’s Big One’)
This Hoya variety does best in bright sunlight, even if you need to use bright artificial light as a standi-in. Find Hoya skinneriana a spot in full sun to partial shade. The plants need slightly acidic soil that has a pH level between 6.1 and 6.5. The vines can stretch to lengths of up to 12 feet long with proper care.
Hoya spartioides
This leafless shrublike Hoya consists of questing stems from which flowers occasionally emerge. When the plant blooms, the flowers are small and can be yellow, white, or cream with yellow centers. Hoya spartioides likes for the soil to dry out in between waterings and may benefit from occasional misting.
Hoya subcalva
Hoya subcalva isn’t easy to find, so be prepared for a bit of a search and for a higher price than for other Hoyas. Once the plant is well established, each leaf will measure around five inches long. Hoya subcalva blossoms in a cluster formation of rosy pink petals accented in lighter pink and apricot. The blooms are said to have a fragrance similar to grape juice.
Hoya sunrise
Hoya sunrise comes equipped with teardrop-shaped dark green foliage that becomes tinged with red if the plant gets too much sunlight. When the leaves turn to deep red, there’s more contrast with the light green vein markings on the foliage. Flowers produced by Hoya sunrise may be white or yellow.
Hoya tsangii
The trailing leaves of Hoya tsangii cascade down from the stems, which are dotted with flowers during the blooming season. The red flowers open in spherical clusters called umbels. Let the soil dry out in between waterings of this plant, and place it in a bright spot to grow.
Hoya undulata
Hoya undulata is a rare variety, so you’re more likely to find it on Etsy or another online plant store than at your local nursery or garden center. Prices may reflect the rarity of the plant. The foliage has wavy, slightly ruffled edges and is a mottled mixture between dark green and pale silver green.
Hoya wayetii
This Hoya is prized for its fuzzy little pink and red flower clusters. Brushstrokes of deep red can also be found on the foliage, where it outlines the deep green leaves in contrasting color. The vines of this variety can trail up to 30 inches long.
All Hoya plants contain latex, which irritates skin and can be toxic to people or animals, so make sure to keep these plants away from where children or pets play unsupervised. All varieties of Hoya are also susceptible to pests like aphids or mealybugs as well as fungal diseases (especially if the environment is too moist, from overwatering or lack of drainage).
During the growing seasons of spring and summer, provide Hoya plants with monthly doses of a water-soluble plant food, diluted to half strength. Choose a fertilizer that contains plenty of potassium to promote blooming.
Learn More About Hoya Varieties

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