Banana trees are fast growing perennials that need a lot of sunlight to grow well. Whether you plant the trees in the ground or in a container, make sure it will get light most of the day. Avoid shady areas at all costs.
Keep in mind that the fruit of the banana tree can easily burn from the sun. Experts recommend covering the west side of fruit-producing banana trees with a shade cloth to prevent burning.
Caring for Banana Plants
Banana plants can be a bit finicky, so it is very important to use the proper soil mixture. The plants like well-drained soil that is rocky. Soils containing lava sand or lava rock are ideal for banana growing. An ideal soil for banana growing is similar to what you would find in Hawaii.
If you have trouble finding the right type of potting soil, you can use potting soils suitable for growing cactus plants. Do not use regular potting soil or soil taken from your garden. Organo Patio Mix made by GroWell Industries is recommended as a good banana-growing medium by many sources.
Good drainage is vital. The addition of 20 percent perlite to the potting soil mixture will help promote drainage.
Ideally, bananas grow best between temperatures between 54 and 80 degrees Farrenheit. All but the hardiest banana varieties stop growing when temperatures fall below 53 degrees Fahrenheit. Growth stops when temperatures reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
It takes a long time for a banana plant to produce fruit. Count on bananas needing 10 to 15 months with warm temperatures and no frost to produce a flower stalk. The plants also do better when protected from the wind.
Banana trees are a nice addition to gardens and yards, especially in warm climates. While your patience may run a bit thin waiting for a banana to eat, the plants themselves are quite attractive and make very popular house and/or garden foliage plants.
Planting Banana Tress
When planting a banana plant, dig a hole that is twice the size of the root system. Make it a depth of one-and-a-half feet. You can put organic composted manure in the bottom of the hole before adding a base of a couple of inches of the appropriate soil. Place the banana plant in the hole and add soil while gently compacting it around the roots.
It is important to make sure the banana plant has sufficient water. It is best to water the plant every other day during the warmest months. A good rule of thumb for establishing the need for water is to feel the soil. When the top one-half to one inch of soil is dry, water is needed.
Beware that you do not over water. Banana plants are susceptible to root rot.
If you’re lucky enough to have your banana plant produce fruit, harvesting can be interesting. The bad news is that you have to cut the plant down to get the fruit. Don’t fret because the plant would die off once it finishes fruiting. The good news is that new plants will grow from the root system.
Interested in learning more about banana growing?
Read some facts about bananas and more info about how to grow bananas for general information about growing banana plants.
Visit the University of Hawaii’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources website for helpful information about diseases and pests that affect banana plants.
I saw a tree with purple leaves that looks like a banana tree. Would you know the name of it?
I am in West Australia and grow bananas in my backyard but the variety that is acommercial brand gets big bunches every year and they never mature as the stem rots on the bend at top and the fall off. What is wronga smy other types just ripen on the trees.?Any answers please?
I am from Ireland and never saw a Banana tree or understood how bananas grew until I bought my house in Diani Beach Kenya.
Now i have in my garden around 30 banana trees in various stages of growth. All planted by me.
And they have supplied the Kitchen for about 4 years.
I am learning so much about bananas now and have a really good organic composting system in place.
The most important thing I learnt is that the leaves of the banana tree and the trunk of the tree can be cut up and used in my compost pit.
Now as I am living close to the beach in Diani I intend to collect a lot of sedweed and add it to my compost.
Is this a good idea.
Would appricate any comments re the seweed
Seaweed / kelp is a great addition to compost, BUT you should rinse it well and soak it for a few days before adding it to the compost bin, because of the salt.
Can you grow a banana plant from the leaf of a baby banana
plant or do you only plant the babies with roots? Is it advisable
to remove baby plants growing off the older ones or just let them be and the plants will spread out on their own? Thanks
Here are a couple of good resources for you:
I live in central Canada. My dwaf BANANA tree stays inside in my front south facing window. It’s about 2 years old. No fruits yet. We have 3 pups. One that’s growing really fast. Should I cut it off to get the other 2 much smaller ones a fighting chance?
Stalk accidentally broke off and I made a clean cut, if I put it in water will it produce roots? Please advise thanks
I thinks it’s called something like Abyssinian red Banana tree, this tree is purely decorative and produces fruit that is not edible.
I what are best variety for banana plantation?
I do appreciate you