Petunias come in three main types known as grandifloras, multifloras, and millifloras. All three kinds are easy to grow and come in almost every color, making them perfect for any garden. The grandifloras produce the largest blossoms of the three kinds with a diameter of up to six inches and sometimes up to twelve inches tall. Millifloras are the smallest of the three kinds and have been developed by humans for small gardens. These blossoms are only about an inch and a half in diameter. The multifloras are known for flowering the most the three kinds. The plant has a cascading effect that makes them good pot plants. Petunia flowers are annuals.
Growing Requirements of Petunia Flowers
Petunias require full sunlight but they can grow affectively when set in a shady area for a few hours. The plant needs consistent watering but the amount depends on the weather conditions and climates. If the flowers are exposed to dry, hot climates they will need moist soil. Mineral rich soils are also necessary for good growth. Petunias are a summer flower and should be transplanted from their indoor nurseries to outdoor gardens in late spring or early summer.
Taking Care of Petunias
Petunias are relatively easy to care for. Simple fertilization treatments and regular watering should be enough to allow for maximum growth. Pinching will allow for greater branching and flowers. Also, dead or wilting flowers should be trimmed off. Petunias require different amounts of water considering the weather conditions and climate. If the plant is in a hotter and drier climate it will require more watering than if it is not. They should be watered about every other morning and the soil should be dampened to at least six inches deep.
History of Petunia Flowers
Petunias were discovered by an explorer named James Tweedie in South America and were sent to Paris for the first time in 1823. The flower was originally only from two species but today has many different species that are all popular in gardens. For all intents and purposes, the petunia is relatively new flower and gardeners are still discovering what they can do with it and the flower’s potential as a gardening plant.
Growing Petunias: Diseases and Pests
Petunias have little to no problems concerning insect damage or diseases but they do occur in a few cases. One particular disease is called damping-off and usually affects rotting seeds and young seedlings. Sometimes the plant can have viral infections which can stunt growth. Common insects that feed on petunias are aphids and cutworms. Treating plants with fungicides and insecticides can usually do the trick in preventing and treating disease and pest problems.
More Reputable Information on Petunias
University of Minnesota Extension covers Growing Petunias
University of Maryland Extension covers Wave Petunias
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