By Jennifer Poindexter
Papalo is a leafy green herb that’s known for having a similar flavor as cilantro. This crop is high in vitamins and nutrients.
Plus, it’s known for enjoying warmer growing temperatures. This herb is not only used for culinary purposes but is also a great way to invite pollinators to your growing space.
If you’re interested in introducing this herb to your garden, you’re in the right place. I’m going to walk you through the basics of growing the papalo herb, (Porophyllum ruderale).
Here’s what you should know to get started:
What You’ll Learn:
- The characteristics and benefits of Papalo, a leafy green herb known for its similar flavor to cilantro.
- Ideal growing conditions for Papalo, including sunlight requirements, soil preference, and the right temperature range.
- The process of planting Papalo from seed, with options for starting indoors or sowing directly outdoors.
- Key care tips for Papalo, such as watering methods, encouraging bushier growth, and avoiding common pitfalls like overwatering and unnecessary fertilization.
- The scarcity of common threats like pests and diseases in growing Papalo, and precautions to take to prevent potential issues.
- The best practices in harvesting Papalo, from timing to storage, ensuring the freshest and most flavorful yield.
Growing Conditions for Papalo Herb
When looking for an ideal growing location, pick a place with plenty of warmth. The papalo herb is native to Mexico, so it loves to grow in a warmer climate.
You should select a growing space that has enough room for this plant as it becomes as large as 5 feet tall when fully grown.
Plus, the plant needs a growing location with full sunlight. It can grow in partial sunlight as well. However, the more heat and light this plant is supplied, the better flavor you should receive from your harvest and the better growth you should see in your plants.
You may also grow papalo in a container. Select a planter that’s a foot deep to ensure the roots have plenty of room to grow.
Papalo must be grown in soil that’s well-draining as it does not enjoy being left in oversaturated situations.
This herb also does best when grown in planting zones four through nine. Even in these areas, this herb is considered an annual.
Yet, it self-sows very easily, so don’t be surprised if you have volunteer seeds emerge the next growing season.
Finally, you should be aware that there are two main varieties of papalo. The first option is broadleaf. This one is most commonly grown.
The second option is narrowleaf papalo. This option isn’t grown as much due to its robust flavor. Some people view it as overpowering.
Ensure you pick the variety of papalo that’s right for you and a growing location which supports this plant to get your growing season started on the right foot.
How to Plant Papalo Herb
Most people grow papalo from seed. It’s up to you whether you start the seeds indoors to get a jump on the growing season or if you sow them directly.
If you start your seeds indoors, be sure to do so 6 weeks prior to the final spring frost. Fill a growing tray with well-draining, nutritious soil.
Place two seeds per cell of the tray as a germination insurance policy. Should both seeds germinate, pick the strongest plant and cut the weaker plant off at soil level with clean scissors.
Cover the seeds lightly and mist them with a spray bottle of water. Keep the seeds in a warm growing location.
It should take around two to three weeks for the seeds to sprout. Once they do, continue to keep the soil evenly damp and move the growing tray to a location with bright, indirect light.
When your seeds are approximately a half-foot tall, and the soil is warm, harden your seedlings off and plant them outdoors.
Ideal soil temperatures for these plants are 75-degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
The next option for growing papalo is to sow the seeds directly. Prepare the soil by tilling it. Sprinkle the seeds over the soil and lightly cover them with dirt.
Keep the soil evenly damp without oversaturating the area. Too much moisture could lead to your seeds rotting. Wait until the seeds germinate, then thin them to where there’s at least one foot of space between each plant.
Continue to water the plants and provide care as they grow. Planting papalo isn’t difficult. It’s a matter of deciding the right time and method to start your plants and providing adequate care to these young crops.

Caring for Papalo Herb
You have your papalo plants in your garden location. Now what should you do for them?
The answer is simple: provide adequate care to encourage abundant growth. How do you provide this care to your herbs? By following these few basic tips.
First, you should water your papalo herbs. Water the plants deeply to ensure you don’t overwater them and also to encourage a deeper root system. Deeper roots typically lead to a healthier plant.
Papalo is a drought-tolerant plant once established, but you should still provide a deep watering session to the plant as it’s needed and when possible.
Don’t add more water without checking the soil. Insert your finger into the dirt next to the plant. When it’s dry to your second knuckle, you may water the plant deeply again.
The next thing you should do for your papalo herb is pinch the tops of the plant. This encourages the plants to grow bushier.
If you don’t pinch the tops, there’s a good chance the plant will become droopy.
There are two things you should avoid doing to provide care to this plant. The first is avoiding overwatering. We discussed watering your plants deeply and this is a valid reason to do so.
If you overwater your herbs, this can lead to rot and also introduce fungal issues to your plants. You also shouldn’t fertilize papalo herbs. They don’t need it.
Should your plant look like it’s struggling, you can add a side dressing of compost, but that’s all the plants should need to thrive.
By providing adequate care to your herbs, they should produce beautifully throughout the growing season.
Garden Pests and Diseases Which Impact Papalo Herb
Many plants face threats when growing in any location. Fortunately, the papalo herb is one of the rare cases where they have no common threats of pests and diseases in the garden.
However, remain alert. Should you notice an issue with pests, be sure to treat the plants immediately to avoid widespread damage.
The likelihood of developing a pest issue is still rare due to this herb being a natural repellent of many insects.
Also, be sure to plant in an area with plenty of sunlight and well-draining soil. Fungal disease loves to grow in cold, wet areas. By growing your papalo herb in opposite conditions, you’re taking steps to avoid this issue.
However, this is only a suggestion as this plant has no known issues with disease.
How to Harvest Papalo Herb
Papalo is generally harvested and used fresh. It’s best to harvest the crop when it’s young to enjoy a milder flavor.
The flavor profile becomes more pungent the older the plant gets. Harvest the herb by snipping the foliage away from the plant on an as-needed basis.
You may wrap the harvest in a damp paper towel and store it in your refrigerator until you’re ready to use it. Storing the herbs in a small vase of water is another way to keep them fresh.
Either storage option should help keep the herbs fresh for up to three days.
This is the most common way to harvest papalo. Make sure to keep an eye on your plants, so you can enjoy the harvest in its ideal state. Papalo should be ready to harvest in approximately 6 weeks after the time of planting.
You now know how to grow papalo. It isn’t an overly complicated plant to grow. Provide a little bit of care, observe your plants, and pick the best growing method for yourself.
Once you have these things in mind, you should be able to start this plant off on the right foot and work towards a delicious harvest in the near future.
Key Takeaways:
- Papalo, a nutritious and flavorful herb native to Mexico, thrives in warmer climates and full sunlight, reaching up to 5 feet tall at maturity.
- Seeds can be started indoors or sown directly outdoors, with special considerations for watering, sunlight, and soil conditions.
- Care for Papalo plants involves deep watering, occasional pinching of the tops to promote bushier growth, and avoiding overwatering and unnecessary fertilization.
- Despite having no common pest or disease threats, it’s still essential to monitor the plant’s health and growth conditions regularly.
- Harvesting Papalo involves snipping the young foliage as needed, storing it properly for maximum freshness, and consuming within three days for best flavor.
- With proper care and attention, growing Papalo can result in a rewarding and tasty harvest in just six weeks from planting.
Papalo Quick Reference Growing Chart
Aspect | Description |
Common Names | Papalo, Quilquiña, Yerba Porosa, Killi, Papaloquelite |
Botanical Name | Porophyllum ruderale |
Origin | Native to South America, commonly grown in Mexico |
Description | Herb plant similar to cilantro, pungent smell, attracts pollinators |
Planting Method | Seeds |
Germination | Keep seeds intact for good germination |
Transplanting | Start indoors, transplant when plants are about 6 inches tall |
Plant Care | Well-draining soil, direct sun, occasional watering, regular harvesting |
Growth Habit | Tall plants that can flop over, plant closer together for support |
Harvesting | Pinch off leaves and stems, regular harvesting keeps plants dense |
Flavor | Younger leaves are sweeter and milder, older leaves have a stronger taste |
Nutrient Needs | Occasional compost amendment or slow-release fertilizer |
More About Papalo Herb

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