By Jennifer Poindexter
Are you looking for a tree to add to your landscape? Have you considered growing the mimosa hostilis tree?
If so, it’s important to understand what this tree needs prior to planting it. You should understand the best places to plant, propagation methods, and adequate care.
You should also be alert to any potential issues such as pests, diseases, or cons to growing the tree. If you need to learn more before planting a mimosa hostilis tree, you’re in the right place.
I’m going to provide you with this information to help you along your tree-growing journey. Here’s what you should know when adding this plant to your landscape:
Growing Conditions for the Mimosa Hostilis Tree
The mimosa hostilis tree is a hardy tree known for being quite drought and disease resistant. However, it does have a few specifications which should be met when deciding where to plant.
Mimosa hostilis trees need a larger growing plot as they can become as tall as thirty feet and have a canopy as broad as fifteen feet.
This is a fast-growing tree, as it grows the most in the first five years after planting. Therefore, it should reach its mature size quickly.
Many people love to grow this tree due to its pretty white blooms which produce a desirable scent. You can expect this to occur between the months of May to July in many growing locations.
However, don’t get mimosa hostilis confused with other varieties of mimosa trees. This type of tree is part of the mimosa genus which consists of over 400 species.
What sets this variety apart is its fern-like foliage and white blooms.
Though this may sound like a great addition to your yard, be mindful that mimosa hostilis isn’t a good fit for all growing locations.
In fact, the mimosa hostilis tree is only hardy in planting zones nine and higher. If you live in these areas, be sure to plant your tree in a location with full to partial sunlight and well-draining soil.
If you can supply these conditions, then you should be able to enjoy the stunning benefits that come with growing this tree.

How to Plant a Mimosa Hostilis Tree
There are three methods to growing a mimosa tree. The first method is to purchase a tree from a local nursery.
When you bring it home, dig a hole that’s deep enough to support the roots of the tree. Set the root ball in the hole and make sure it’s sitting evenly.
From there, begin backfilling the hole with soil. Pour approximately two gallons of water into the hole and wait for it to absorb. Then finish filling the hole.
Once done, pour another gallon or two of water onto the tree. Press the soil firmly around the base of the tree to ensure the soil is compacted and will encourage the tree to stand erect.
The next method of propagation is from seed. To begin, place your seeds in a pot that has a lid. Pour boiling water over the seeds and place the lid on the pot.
Store the seeds in a dark location for twenty-four hours. They should swell during this time. Once the soaking period is done, fill a growing tray with well-draining soil.
Place a seed in each cell of the tray by pressing it into the soil. Water the seeds lightly and place plastic wrap over the tray.
Store the tray in a warm growing location and check the soil daily to ensure it never fully dries out. It should take anywhere from two to three weeks for the seeds to sprout.
When the seeds have sprouted, transplant each seedling to its own container. Continue to water the plants and keep them in a warm, sunny location.
As the plants continue to grow, transplant them to larger growing containers as needed. The trees may be transplanted outdoors in their permanent growing location after one year but ensure they’re hardened off prior to transplant.
The last method for propagating a mimosa hostilis tree is by a root cutting. You must remove a cutting from the tree’s roots during the winter months.
Ensure the cutting is between two and six inches in length. Pay attention to which end of the cutting is growing into the dirt.
This matters when transplanting the cuttings. Place each piece of root into a container filled with well-draining, loamy soil. If placed the wrong direction in the pot, they won’t form roots.
Be sure to supply water to the soil on a regular basis and keep the containers wrapped in plastic wrap in a warm growing location.
It may take a few months for the root cuttings to form roots and become a new plant, but by continuing adequate care, the plant should thrive.
You may harden the new trees off and transplant them outdoors after they’ve reached a year old.
These are a few ways you may propagate a mimosa hostilis tree. Take these tips into consideration when figuring out the best way for you to introduce this plant into your landscape.
Caring for a Mimosa Hostilis Tree
When growing a mimosa hostilis tree there are only a few things you must do. If you supply consistent water, fertilize at the right times, and prune, this tree should do well under your care.
Let’s begin with watering the tree. You should practice deep watering when growing a mimosa hostilis tree.
The reason being is it’s a great way to provide a balanced amount of water to a plant while it’s becoming established.
When you apply larger quantities of water, fewer days of the week, it’s difficult to oversaturate a plant. Plus, it encourages it to dig deeper into the soil to retrieve water between sessions.
In doing so, this encourages a stronger root system which could equal a healthier plant.
To ensure you avoid overwatering, test the soil by sticking your finger into the dirt next to the tree.
When it’s dry to your first knuckle, it’s time to water the tree deeply. You should only need to do this while the plant is adjusting to its new surroundings.
The next thing you should do is apply a balanced fertilizer to your tree each spring. This will supply a boost of nutrients prior to blooming.
Lastly, be sure to prune away any dead or diseased areas of the tree. It’s best to wait until after blooming has ceased before pruning your tree.
These are the only things a mimosa hostilis tree should need from you. Provide adequate care to encourage this tree to remain healthy and productive each year.
Garden Pests and Diseases Which Could Impact a Mimosa Hostilis Tree
There are a few things you should be aware of when growing a mimosa hostilis tree. Though they’re known for being resistant to many pests and diseases, they still have a few threats they must deal with.
The most common pests which impact this plant are scales and mites. You may treat them with an insecticide.
However, scales can be treated by rubbing the plant with a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol. Mites can be treated by spraying the plant forcefully with soapy water.
The main disease to impact the mimosa hostilis tree is fusarium wilt. Unfortunately, there’s no cure for this disease.
Yet, some mature trees survive it by pruning away the impacted areas. At the very least, it seems to prolong the tree’s lifespan when infected.
You must also be aware of a few cons to growing this tree. Mimosa hostilis is known for being messy as it drops its leaves each year.
The upside to this is if planted in an area where the leaves can be included in the landscape, it’ll provide its own mulch each year.
Another con is that a mimosa hostilis tree can become invasive as its seeds are known for being carried up to thirty feet by the wind. Therefore, it can be hard to control and keep the plant growing in a specific location.
Finally, this tree is known for having an aggressive root system which can cause issues for walkways and other concrete structures it may grow near.
Take these points into consideration when trying to discern if this tree is the right fit for your property and when learning how to protect the tree from threats in many growing locations.
You now know how to grow a mimosa hostilis tree. Though this may not be the tree for everyone, many people love it because of its beautiful blooms and its ability to adjust nitrogen levels in the soil.
Not only is this good for the tree, but it also helps many plants nearby. If you’d like to grow a mimosa hostilis tree in your yard, we hope these tips can guide you as you navigate growing something new.
Learn More About a Mimosa Hostilis Tree
https://www.aces.edu/blog/topics/forestry-wildlife/the-mimosa-tree-beautiful-but-invasive/ https://www.utep.edu/herbal-safety/herbal-facts/herbal%20facts%20sheet/tepezcohuite.html
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