QUESTION: How often should I water cucumbers? Should it be every day, or less often than that? I am hoping for a big harvest this season so I want to do it right. – Emily S
GARDENING CHANNEL REPLIES: It’s hard to say exactly how many times a week or a precise number, because a lot depends on the time of year, the weather, and the temperatures where you live. But one thing for certain is that you should water your cucumbers following the deep watering method. What does this mean?
It means you should water your cucumber plants for longer periods of time, fewer days of the week. This allows for the water to saturate the roots of the plant while also saturating the ground surrounding it.
As the days progress and the plant needs more water, it’ll dig its roots into the ground to retrieve it. In turn, creating a deeper root system which typically equates to better health for the plant.
How frequently should you practice this method? It will depend upon the type of weather you’re receiving.
If the temperatures are mild, you may only need to water your cucumber plants one time per week. If you’re going through a period of high temperatures and drought, you may need to water your plants more frequently.
The best way to tell is by testing the soil. Wait a day or two after you water the plants deeply. Then insert your finger into the soil next to the plants.
If the soil is dry to your first knuckle, water the plants deeply again. If not, wait another day or two before testing the soil again.
Cucumber plants require consistent moisture. If they go through periods of drought without receiving enough, it could make your harvest bitter.
However, if you’re worried about overwatering, look for the signs. If your plants’ foliage begin turning yellow or brown and wilting, chances are you’ve overwatered.
If this occurs, remove the damaged foliage and hold off on watering until the soil dries out.
Watering your cucumber plants isn’t challenging if you keep an eye on the soil and avoid shorter watering sessions.
Practicing the deep watering method, can help you ensure you have a flavorful harvest, healthy plants which are watered adequately, and also reduce the amount of work you must do around your garden.
Learn More About Watering Cucumbers
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