By Jennifer Poindexter
If you have a window in your home that receives full sunlight and stays warm throughout the day, you might be struggling with finding a plant that can sit in the windowsill of such a location.
This can become frustrating because many people assume that having a window in your home which receives full sunlight is a goldmine.
What many fail to see is that when the sun becomes overpowering or the temperatures too warm, even some sun-loving plants can’t withstand such a situation.
If you’re feeling uncertain about choosing a plant for this type of growing location, you’re in the right spot. I’ve compiled a list of houseplants that thrive in hot and sunny windows.
Here are your plants to choose from:

1. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a unique green plant that produces a gel which is great for your skin, especially when treating burns. If you’d like to keep this plant around your home, a hot and sunny window could be the perfect location.
When growing aloe vera, be sure to supply a growing location with plenty of bright, indirect light. These plants enjoy temperatures up to 80-degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure to plant aloe vera in well-draining soil and apply water approximately once per week.
2. Yucca
The yucca plant is more of a tree than a small houseplant. It has a trunk similar to a palm tree and produces wispy green foliage. Most houseplant varieties of the yucca plant reach heights between two and four feet tall. They may also become equally as wide.
Should you wish to add this plant to your home, there are a few growing conditions which must be met. First, yucca loves full sun. Therefore, it should be a great option for a hot, sunny window. Aside from this, be sure to plant in well-draining soil and allow the soil to dry fully between watering sessions as the roots of this plant may easily rot.
3. Mother-in-Law’s Tongue
This plant is also commonly known as a snake plant. It stands vertically and has wavy foliage that resembles a tongue or snake. Mother-in-law’s tongue can survive in both high and low lighting conditions.
Therefore, this plant is a great option for a sunny growing location. Ensure you grow the plant in well-draining soil. However, since this plant is considered a succulent, the soil should remain consistently dry as the plant stores water in its leaves.

4. Croton
Croton is another fun house plant that’s great for a sunny window. This is a smaller option with rich green leaves that change into different shades of red. The more light this plant receives, the more pronounced its colors become.
Ensure you plant croton in a location with well-draining soil as the plant can’t handle growing conditions which are constantly wet.
5. Dwarf Umbrella Tree
The dwarf umbrella tree is a small tree that produces star-shaped clusters of foliage. Expect this tree to reach heights between four and five feet.
When growing a dwarf umbrella tree, be sure to provide a growing location that provides bright, indirect light. You should also provide well-draining soil and ensure the plant is watered lightly on a regular basis but is never oversaturated.
6. Sago Palm
A sago palm tree is a shorter tree that should only reach heights ranging from three to eight feet. They can become as wide as twelve feet. Otherwise, this plant looks like a traditional palm with a woody stem and wispy, green foliage.
Though this plant loves bright lighting, be sure to grow it in well-draining soil. It should be watered regularly but be mindful not to overwater as this could be detrimental.
7. Ponytail Palm
The ponytail palm is such a fun plant to grow. It’s a small tree that produces wispy foliage similar to a full ponytail.
If you’re in the market for a unique plant, consider growing this option. This plant thrives in a growing location with bright light and well-draining soil. Ponytail palms prefer dry conditions, so be mindful not to overwater this plant.
8. Areca Palm
The areca palm is a medium-sized houseplant. It will need a larger pot and a corner of a room to reach its full potential. Expect this plant to reach heights around eight feet when grown as a houseplant.
As you grow this plant, ensure you meet its growing conditions. Areca palms enjoy bright, indirect light. This is to avoid their leaves from becoming scorched. Keep this plant away from drafty locations to ensure the tips of the leaves don’t brown. Also, be sure to grow the palm in well-draining soil to ensure it receives adequate water without becoming too saturated.
9. Cacti
There are many different types of cacti. Some are solid green while others come in colorful varieties. However, these are definitely forgiving plants.
When growing a cactus, be sure to place it in a location with ample sunlight. The soil must drain adequately, and you should water the plant sporadically. Also, the hotter the growing location the happier a cactus will be.
10. Bird of Paradise
The bird of paradise plant is an interesting option for a houseplant. It has long, green leaves. In the midst are bright blooms which resemble a bird.
Should you wish to add this plant to your home, there are a few conditions you must provide. Be sure to plant in nutrient-dense, well-draining soil. You should also provide bright, indirect lighting to encourage prolific blooming. However, ensure the plant isn’t in direct sunlight as this can cause the foliage to burn.

11. Jade Plant
A jade plant is one of the most common succulents that people grow. It has small, rounded foliage that adds bright color while also retaining water for the plant. If you’re in the market for a low-maintenance option that loves ample sunlight, this could be it.
Jade plants enjoy growing in full sunlight. They also need well-draining soil that’s watered consistently in spring and summer. During its dormant seasons (fall and winter), allow the soil to dry completely between watering sessions.
12. Papyrus
Papyrus plants are interesting houseplants as they produce long stems and clusters of green blooms that form a wispy ball.
When growing a papyrus plant, be sure to select a location with full sunlight. Unlike many plants on this list, papyrus doesn’t desire well-draining soil. In fact, this plant likes to feel submerged in water. Therefore, choose a boggy soil that will keep the plant consistently damp.

13. String of Pearls
String of pearls is another succulent option that should grow wonderfully in a hot, sunny window. This plant produces vines with small green balls along them. This creates the appearance of a string of pearls.
As you grow this plant, be sure to provide a growing location with a few hours of direct morning sunlight and indirect sunlight during the afternoon. Once you have the lighting in place, be sure to plant the string of pearls in well-draining soil and water it thoroughly every two weeks.
14. Basil
I’m a person who enjoys growing plants that are both beautiful and functional. Basil checks both of these boxes. This plant produces gorgeous green foliage that’s eye-catching, but it can also be used for culinary purposes.
Therefore, if you think basil is the kind of plant you’ve been searching for, it should make a great option for your sunny, hot window. Basil loves full sunlight, but it also needs well-draining soil. Test the soil with your finger. When it’s dry to your first knuckle, water the plant deeply. By supplying adequate lighting and the right amount of water, basil should grow well for you.
15. Hibiscus
Hibiscus plants are some of my favorites. This plant produces a variety of colors in trumpet-like blooms. You can’t help but notice such a beautiful plant in your surroundings.
If you’d like to brighten up the space in front of your hot, sunny window, grow a hibiscus. This plant loves ample sunlight, but it does need well-draining soil. Ensure you keep the soil consistently damp without oversaturating it.
16. African Milk Bush
The African milk bush is an interesting plant. It grows vertically and produces variegated, spiky edges. If you’d like a different houseplant, this might be what you’ve been searching for.
When growing an African milk bush, be sure to provide a growing location with sandy soil that drains adequately. You should also ensure its growing location contains plenty of indirect sunlight.
17. Dragon Plants
A dragon plant produces long wooden stems and wispy, green foliage at the top. Should you choose to grow this plant, be sure to provide plenty of room as it can reach heights around six feet.
Once you know you have the growing space, it’s time to determine the right growing conditions. Be sure this plant is grown in well-draining soil. Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings. The dragon plant also loves bright, indirect lighting and high humidity. Be sure to spray the plant multiple times a week to keep the humidity levels up around it.
18. Shake Plant
The strawberry shake plant is a type of philodendron. This plant produces large green leaves that will change into a shade of strawberry pink or red.
If you feel like this is a good option for your home, be sure to supply the right growing conditions. The shake plant needs nutrient-dense, well-draining soil. It also desires an area with bright, indirect light. Be mindful to water the plant only after the top layer of soil has dried fully to avoid oversaturation.
19. Blooming Kalanchoe
Blooming kalanchoe is a smaller houseplant that produces tiny clusters of colorful blooms. When the blooms are opened fully, it makes for quite a display of color. Should you decide to grow this plant in your home, select a location with full sunlight and warmer temperatures.
These flowers thrive in temperatures around 85-degrees Fahrenheit. They also should be supplied well-draining soil and allow the soil time to dry out between watering sessions. You should also remove any dead blooms of the plant to encourage further blooming.
20. Jasmine
Jasmine is a simple but gorgeous plant that produces deep green leaves and small white blooms. It’s great for adding subtle beauty to any place it’s grown.
When growing jasmine around your home, be sure to supply a growing location with well-draining soil. It should also be sandy and consistently damp. Jasmine also prefers to grow in areas with plenty of sunlight. Provide these few things and you should have a positive growing experience with this plant.
You now have twenty different options for plants that should grow well in a hot, sunny window. It’s vital that you understand the space, lighting, soil, and moisture requirements of each plant.
By doing your research and supplying adequate growing conditions, you should find that most plants thrive under your care. Now, pick the plants you love and put the sunny location in your home to good use by growing a gorgeous variety of houseplants.
More About Heat-Loving Houseplants

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