by Jennifer Poindexter
Would you like to start an herb garden from seed? There are some herbs which are easier to start from seed than others.
If you’re curious which are the easiest, you’ve come to the right location. I’m going to walk you through the easiest herbs to start from seed.
I’ll also share some of the necessary growing conditions and germination times to let you know what you can expect when taking this journey.
This information could help you have a positive experience when starting an herb garden from scratch. Here are the easiest herbs to start from seed:

1. Parsley
Parsley is a common culinary herb that looks pretty and tastes great. If you’re interested in growing your own parsley from seed, it may take a little patience. The seeds can sometimes take three weeks or more before sprouting.
Help the seeds (and eventual plants) along by providing the right growing conditions. Parsley needs to be planted where it will receive a minimum of six hours of sunlight. It should also be grown in well-draining soil that’s high in nutrients. Give parsley what it needs to thrive, and you should be able to start it off on the right foot.

2. Borage
Borage is known for producing gorgeous blooms that are shaped like stars. This explains why the plant is sometimes known as the starflower as well. If you’d like to add borage to your herb garden be sure you provide what the plant needs in its growing space.
This herb needs well-draining soil and ample sunlight. However, borage isn’t extremely concerned with the quality of the soil where it grows. Another plus for this herb is it only takes one to two weeks for the seeds to germinate.

3. Chamomile
Chamomile is frequently used as a calming tea. If you’re interested in creating your own herbal teas, or other recipes, tune in to learn what chamomile will need from you. This herb’s seeds should germinate within a week and half to two weeks.
Be sure you plant in the right growing conditions to ensure the seeds will sprout. Chamomile needs to be planted during the cooler times of the year in full to partial sunlight. The warmer the temperatures, the more shade you should provide. It likes dry soil, so ensure you only plant where the dirt is well-draining.

4. Fennel
Fennel is a unique herb which grows above the ground. It shouldn’t be planted until all frost is over in the spring. Once the temperatures are warm enough, be sure to plant this herb in a location that receives full sunlight and well-draining soil.
The seeds of this plant should only take one to two weeks to sprout. During this time, be sure to keep the soil moist without oversaturating the seeds. By providing the right growing conditions, fennel should have what it needs to thrive under your care.

5. Mint
Mint is an herb you must be careful when planting because it can quickly take over a growing location. For this reason, I typically recommend growing mint in raised beds or in containers. Be sure to plant in well-draining soil.
This herb isn’t particular about the nutrients in the soil. However, if you can amend it, mint seems to do the best in these conditions. Be sure to plant mint in full to partial sunlight depending upon the temperatures in your location. Once planted, the seeds should germinate in approximately ten to sixteen days.

6. Basil
Basil is another common culinary herb that people love to grow because they know of many ways to utilize the harvest. If you love basil, try your hand at growing it from seed. The great thing about basil is it can be grown using a variety of gardening methods. You can also grow it indoors or outdoors to keep fresh basil on hand year-round.
No matter how you choose to grow basil, ensure you plant it in well-draining soil and where it’ll receive full to partial sunlight, depending upon the temperatures of its growing location.

If you live in a warmer climate, you may want to provide a little more shade especially during the afternoons. Be sure to keep the soil evenly damp to avoid oversaturating the plant. Once the seeds are planted, they should germinate in approximately seven to ten days.

7. Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is an excellent herb to keep around for culinary purposes and for making DIY products such as bug spray. If you’d like to have this multi-purpose herb at your backdoor, consider growing it from seed in your herb garden.
When growing lemon balm, ensure you plant it in a location which has partial shade or indirect sunlight. Also, be sure the soil is well-draining. Lemon balm seeds should germinate within one to two weeks.

8. Lemon Grass
Lemon grass is great for use in baked goods and also for making herbal teas. If you’d like to grow this herb around your home, it has similar growing conditions to the other herbs on this list.
To grow lemon grass well, ensure you plant it in full sunlight and in well-draining soil. Do be patient with this herb as it can take up to three weeks for the seeds to germinate.

9. Lemon Verbena
Lemon verbena is a great herb to keep around because it’s so useful in the kitchen. You can use it to make jams, jellies, or even to season meats. Be mindful of where you plant the herb to give it the greatest chance to thrive under your care.
When growing lemon verbena, be sure to plant the herb after all threat of frost is over. Pick a sunny location with nutrient-dense, well-draining soil. Once the seeds are planted, be patient, as they can take anywhere from two to four weeks to germinate.

10. Thyme
Thyme is a powerful herb but is used frequently around the kitchen for culinary purposes. If you love to cook with thyme, why not grow it from seed in your herb garden?
The herb prefers growing where it will receive full sunlight. This means, it should receive at least six hours of sunlight per day. You should also provide well-draining soil. Once your seeds are planted, they should germinate within two to four weeks.

11. Chives
Chives are one of my favorite herbs because they taste great and also make a beautiful addition to the herb garden. If you’re interested in growing chives from seed, be sure to start with providing the right conditions.
When growing chives, be sure to plant in an area with full sunlight and well-draining soil. The seeds should take about one to two weeks to germinate.

12. Arugula
Arugula is a leafy herb that makes for a wonderful addition to a salad. It brings a slight citrus flavor into the mixture. This plant is also quick to germinate as the seeds only take seven to ten days to sprout.
However, if you expect a good germination rate, be sure to supply the right growing conditions. Arugula grows best in areas with full sunlight and well-draining, nutrient-dense soil. Also, be sure to grow arugula during the cooler portions of the year as this is when the herb does best.

13. Dill
Dill is a great herb to keep around your home for both aesthetics and culinary uses. Be sure to grow dill during cooler times of the year as it can handle temperatures as low as 25-degrees Fahrenheit.
This herb should be direct sown in well-draining, rich soil. It’s also best if the soil is slightly acidic. Dill doesn’t handle being transplanted well as it has a long taproot. Be sure to provide full sunlight, and give the seeds about ten to fourteen days to sprout.

14. Cilantro
Cilantro is a wonderful herb to incorporate into your herb garden because while it’s young and fresh you can enjoy cilantro. Once it goes to seed, you can enjoy coriander. If you’d like to grow cilantro from seed, be sure to plant in an area with full sunlight and well-draining soil.
This is a cool weather crop that can’t handle temperatures much higher than 80-degrees Fahrenheit. Take this into consideration when planting. Also, the seeds will need approximately five to ten days to germinate.

15. Oregano
Oregano is our final herb that we’ll discuss growing from seed. It’s another common herb used around the kitchen. If you’d like to grow fresh oregano, give it a try!
This herb should be planted in an area with ample sunlight and soil that drains adequately. The seeds need approximately one to two weeks to germinate.
You now have fifteen different herbs to choose from when looking for an easy option to grow from seed. You also have an idea of how long it will take for the seeds to sprout and what each herb needs in a growing space.
Now, it’s your turn. Pick a few herbs you love from this list, use the information provided, and try your hand at starting easy herbs from seed.
Learn More About the Easiest Herbs to Grow from Seeds

One thing to mention regarding Basil, is that it needs soil temperatures around 70 degrees or higher. Many a gardener has been disappointed with Basil starts in the Pacific NW because they put their Basil in the ground too early. In the Seattle area, that means approximately July 1st. You can always start them from seed and keep them inside in a sunny window, or bring them in at night until temperatures increase. Just because they’re in the stores to buy doesn’t mean that they’re ready to plant!