QUESTION: What are the easiest and most nutritious vegetables to grow? I’m still new to gardening so I probably wouldn’t succeed with anything difficult, and I’m growing vegetables because I care about health and that’s why I’m looking specifically for EASY and NUTRITIOUS. – Edward W
ANSWER: Sounds like a fun challenge! Here’s what I came up with for my list of vegetables that are great for beginners, while also being nutrient dense.
Here are a few vegetables to get your garden started:
1. Spinach
Spinach was the first crop I ever grew. The reason being is it’s healthy, cold-hardy, and easy to care for. When growing spinach, ensure you put all the nutrients into the soil prior to planting.
Then sow your seeds, thin them as needed, water the plants deeply, and ensure you grow this crop when the temperatures are cooler.
In return, you can harvest this vegetable quickly and eat a food that’s rich in antioxidants, high in vitamins A and K, and is known for being heart healthy.
2. Garlic
Garlic has been considered a health food for generations. It’s great for adding flavor to your foods and is also a low-maintenance crop.
Depending upon which planting zone you reside in, you may be able to grow this crop in fall and spring. Again, ensure you amend the soil prior to planting, water your garlic as needed, and keep the weeds out of your beds.
When harvested, you can enjoy a food that’s known for helping reduce blood sugar levels. According to WebMD, fresh, raw garlic is helpful when trying to control your blood sugar. It’s also a good source of allicin which is thought to help deter cancer.

3. Kale
Kale is a great crop to grow. Not only is it easy, but it’s also a hardy vegetable. Therefore, if you add it to your salad or as a side dish, it won’t break down as quickly.
In turn, you should remain satiated for longer periods of time. To grow kale, you should prepare an amended bed, plant your seeds, water your crops regularly, and weed the beds as needed.
When enjoying your kale, you’ll also be consuming a crop that’s high in antioxidants, a good source of potassium, high in calcium and copper, and a great source of vitamins A, B, C, and K.
4. Beets
Beets are an easy crop to grow because they’re cold-hardy, can be harvested quickly, and require little care.
As with other crops on this list, you should prepare the beet bed by amending the soil and clearing the area of weeds. Plant the beets, water the crop regularly, and keep weeds down.
Once ready to harvest, you may first enjoy the beet greens. In a matter of a couple of months the beets should be ready for harvest as well. This crop is a great source of fiber and is high in folate, manganese, and nitrates.
5. Carrots
Carrots are an easy crop because you prepare their bed, directly sow the seeds into the ground, water the seeds lightly until sprouted, and then thin the crops to provide adequate room while growing.
This vegetable needs water regularly, aerated soil that’s easy for the carrots to dig into, and the beds should be kept weed-free.
Carrots are nutritious crops to grow because they provide vitamin A, antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium.
6. Swiss Chard
Swiss chard is another delicious vegetable that makes an excellent side dish to a variety of meals. This is another direct sow crop that only requires minimal attention throughout the growing process.
By supplying necessary nutrients, regular waterings, and desired lighting, you should receive a great harvest from this crop.
In return, Swiss chard should provide fiber, protein, magnesium, manganese, and vitamins A, K, and C.
7. Collard Greens
The last easy but nutritious vegetable you can grow is collard greens. These crops are delicious and easily flavored with a variety of herbs and seasonings.
Plus, they’re a great way to ensure your body is receiving the nutrients it desires and needs to function properly.
When consuming collard greens, you should receive protein, fiber, and calcium. This vegetable is also rich in antioxidants.
You now have seven different crops that are easy to grow but also high in nutrients. If you’re worried your diet is suffering, and you need to grow vegetables that will meet your nutritional needs without breaking your budget, these crops should be a great place to start.
Once you get the hang of the easy crops, you can figure out other vegetables that have different vitamins and start gaining the skills to grow those as well. In time, you can provide a cleaner diet without hurting your wallet.
More About Easy Crops to Grow

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