By Jennifer Poindexter
Do you live in a climate that doesn’t get a lot of rainfall? Are you someone who struggles to remember to water your plants?
Don’t assume that growing plants are out of the question for you. You need to look at your situation a little differently.
Instead of looking at all flowers, begin looking at flowers known for being drought tolerant. If you need help figuring out which flowers work best for your situation, you’re in the right place.
I’ve compiled a list for you. Here are annuals known for being drought tolerant:
1. California Poppy
California poppies are gorgeous orange flowers with cup-shaped blooms. These plants are a great fit for difficult climates.
The reason being is these flowers grow best in areas with full sunlight. They do enjoy well-draining soil, but the soil quality should be poor. This flower should only be watered once every ten days.
2. Vinca
Vincas are beautiful traditional flowers with bright colors that emerge from lush foliage. This plant is great for growing in the ground or in a container.
Should you wish to add vinca to your landscape, be sure to plant in an area with partial to full shade. Too much sun can scorch these plants. They also prefer well-draining soil. However, vincas only require water every two weeks.
3. Cosmos
Cosmos are beautiful wild flowers which are great for a cut flower garden or for growing in containers. These flowers have colorful cup-shaped blooms with bright yellow centers.
When growing cosmos, pick a location which contains full sunlight and well-draining soil. These flowers prefer dry soil to being oversaturated. Cosmos only need to be watered during their developing period. After this, they tend to take care of themselves unless you’re going through a severe drought.
4. Sunflowers
Sunflowers come in many varieties. Some are small, and some are tall. No matter the variety you choose, sunflowers are richly colored and do well in drought-stricken conditions.
Should you grow sunflowers, be sure to select a location with ample sunlight and well-draining soil. Ensure the soil is loose so the sunflowers can develop strong roots. These flowers can survive on an inch of water per week once established.
5. Gazania
Gazanias have richly colored blooms that are cup-shaped and arch at the ends of the petals. They also standout due to their bright yellow centers.
These flowers prefer growing conditions which contain warm temperatures, full sunlight, and well-draining soil. These flowers don’t need much water, so it’s best to allow the soil to dry fully before adding more water.
6. African Daisy
The African daisy has the traditional daisy-like blooms and provides bright color variations. This plant is also a wonderful choice for dry climates. Should you choose the African daisy for your growing area, be sure to plant in an area with full sunlight to ensure the plants produce prolifically.
These flowers need approximately one inch of water per week. During periods of extreme drought the plants will stop producing blooms and experience dormancy, so to encourage blooming, ensure they receive even amounts of water when possible.
7. Spider Flower
The spider flower also goes by the name cleome. This plant receives its name because it produces small clusters of colorful blooms with long shoots off the blooms. This makes the plant resemble a spider.
When growing the spider flower be sure to provide an area with full sunlight. The plant prefers soil that’s evenly damp and drains adequately. Allow the soil to dry fully before applying more water. To encourage more blooms, it’s best to water this flower one time per week.
8. Verbena
Verbena is another plant sure to grab your attention. It produces many small, colorful blooms. They come together to form larger clusters of blooms which standout due to their array of colors.
This plant grows best in areas with full sunlight and well-draining soil. However, verbena isn’t selective about the quality of soil it’s grown in. Should you grow verbena, try to water it once per week to encourage optimal blooming.
9. Salvia
Salvia is a taller plant that grows atop a large mound of green foliage. From the foliage, emerges long stems which produce a cluster of vertical blooms. This plant really stands out due to its unique blooming pattern and rich colors.
If salvia is of interest to you, ensure you provide a growing location with full sunlight and well-draining soil. This plant only needs an inch of water once every week and a half.

10. Lantana
Some people stay away from lantana due to its invasive tendencies. However, it’s a gorgeous plant that’s known for being drought tolerant. This plant produces clusters of colorful blooms that create gorgeous scenery wherever planted.
When growing lantana, be sure to provide well-draining soil as the roots don’t enjoy being oversaturated. You should also plant in areas with at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. This plant should produce vibrant blooms as long as it’s in the correct growing conditions and receives approximately one inch of water per week.
11. Petunias
Petunias are beautiful plants which produce lavish blooms in numerous colors. They grow well in containers, window boxes, hanging baskets, or when planted in the ground.
Should you wish to grow petunias, be sure to provide a location with ample sunlight and rich, well-draining soil. You should water these plants deeply one time per week. During periods of severe heat, it’s best to move petunias to an area of partial sunlight to keep the soil from drying out quickly.
12. Celosia
Celosia is a unique plant that grows well in the ground or in a container. It produces mounded foliage and vertical, triangular blooms. Plus, celosia blooms in extremely vibrant colors.
If you’re interested in growing celosia, provide a growing location with full sunlight and well-draining, nutrient dense soil. When temperatures near 100-degrees Fahrenheit, the plant’s growth slows. In the meantime, try to water celosia once per week.

13. Marigolds
Marigolds are gorgeous and functional plants to grow around your home. You can plant them in the ground, in containers, or in window boxes. I like to grow marigolds around my garden as their scent keeps pests away.
Whatever your reason for growing this plant, be sure to provide the right growing conditions. These flowers thrive in areas with full sun and well-draining soil. Check into the variety of marigold to pick what’s best for your area. Some varieties (such as African) do best in drought tolerant conditions, while other varieties do better in neutral or even overly damp conditions. In most cases, you should only water your marigolds once per week.
14. Moss Rose
Moss roses grow amongst small green leaves. Their smaller blooms open into a cup shape and produce vibrant colors.
If you’d like to grow moss roses around your property, ensure you know what they need. This plant should be watered once per week. Plus, it needs a growing location with well-draining soil and full sunlight.
15. Nasturtium
Nasturtium produces vibrant blooms among rich, green foliage. You may grow this flower in the ground or in containers.
When growing nasturtium, be sure to provide a deep watering session one time per week. You should also plant this flower in a location with full sunlight and well-draining soil.
16. Periwinkle
Periwinkle, also known as vinca minor, is another great option for a drought tolerant annual. This flower produces five-leaf, colorful petals which stand out against the green leaves surrounding them.
Should you wish to add periwinkle to your growing location, be sure to provide adequate growing conditions and water. Periwinkle can survive when being watered twice per month. However, this flower also prefers a growing location with shade and well-draining soil.

17. Zinnias
Zinnias are tall, colorful flowers which produce layered blooms. Depending upon variety, they can grow anywhere from a half-foot in height to four feet tall. They can also become as wide as two feet.
If this plant can fit into your growing location, you must provide the right conditions to give it every reason to thrive. Zinnias need an area with full to partial sunlight and rich, well-draining soil. They should be watered deeply once per week.
18. Sweet Alyssum
Sweet alyssum is another mounding plant that would be great for edging a walkway or building. This plant has spindly green leaves and stems. From these stems, emerge small clustered blooms of various colors that create gorgeous contrast to their surroundings.
When growing sweet alyssum, it does best when provided with full sunlight and well-draining soil. These flowers need approximately one inch of water per week, and you should allow the soil to dry fully before applying anymore water.
19. Butter Daisy
The butter daisy plant consists of rich, green leaves which mound. Amongst the mounding foliage are small, yellow, traditional daisy blooms. This plant works well in containers, window boxes, or in the ground. It’s a great way to add subtle beauty to your surroundings.
Should you decide to add butter daisies to your growing location, be sure to supply the plant with an inch of water per week, full sunlight, and well-draining soil.
20. Dusty Miller
Dusty miller is a plant with rigid foliage and appears silver. Hence, why the plant is referred to as “dusty.”
When growing dusty miller, be sure to provide full sunlight in its growing location as this plant is both heat and drought tolerant. It can grow in most soil types. However, it’s vital that the soil be well-draining. Dusty miller only needs one inch of water per week.
21. Snapdragon
Snapdragons are another unique flower option that do well in drought. This plant blooms vertically as bright, colorful blooms climb the long stems which emerge from the foliage.
If snapdragons are the right choice for you, be sure to provide a growing location with quality, well-draining soil. They also need full to partial sunlight. These flowers can survive on one inch of water per week.
22. Globe Amaranth
Our last option for a drought tolerant annual is the globe amaranth. These flowers produce circular purple blooms atop long stems.
They thrive in areas with quality, well-draining soil and full sunlight. Ensure you provide one inch of water per week to these plants.
You now have twenty-two options for drought tolerant annuals to choose from. These flowers can survive on approximately one inch of water (or less) per week.
Now, select the flowers you like and can provide the right growing conditions. Then start creating a beautiful flower garden around your home that can survive in tough conditions.
Learn More About Drought Tolerant Annuals

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