QUESTION: Does lettuce need lots of water? I’m wondering how often I should water if I grow it. – Isabella Q
ANSWER: Yes, lettuce needs quite a bit of water. As you plant seeds, you must start by watering lightly. This will ensure that the seeds aren’t flooded and are able to form roots.
However, you must water more frequently during this stage as the soil should remain consistently moist. Once the seeds have sprouted, you can begin using the deep watering method.
The idea behind this watering method is to water your crops fewer days of the week for longer periods of time.
This allows the soil to be fully saturated and the roots to receive water during the watering session. As the days pass, between watering sessions, the roots will dig deeper into the soil to retrieve more water.
In turn, it creates stronger plants with healthier root systems. Before applying more water, check your soil.
Insert your finger into the soil. When it’s dry to the first knuckle, it’s time to water your lettuce again. It’s important to supply enough water as it encourages your lettuce to grow, avoid bolting, and it also protects your lettuce from developing a bitter taste.
Hopefully, these tips will help you to water your lettuce thoroughly, and appropriately, for each stage of its growing cycle.
Learn More About Growing Lettuce

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