Houseplants are a great way to liven up your house or apartment, but which should you choose? There are so many different houseplants to choose from that we created this list of all of the ones we could find. Which of these plants do you grow? Have you found any of these hard or easy to grow? Did we miss any of your favorites? Leave a comment and let us know.
Aluminum Plant
Unders its official name of Pilea cadierei, the plant is easy to grow. It has a tropical origin where it spreads naturally at ground level, as long as there’s enough humidity.
Part of the Febaceae family, the plant can be grown indoors. It prefers locations such as the South or the West window with intensive watering.
Baby’s Tears
With its Soleirolia soleirolii botanical name, the plant is suitable for indirect light indoor decoration. It needs moist at all times and room temperatures between 60-75°F.
Bat Flower
This unusual flower has comes under the scientific name of Tacca chantrieri. It comes with black or brown blooms with distinct whiskers which can grow continuously up to 60cm.
Part of the Ranunculus family, the plant can grow up to 1m. Its growth rate is known to be high, especially in the second and third indoor year.
Originating from tropical regions, the Rubiaceae-family plant needs good humidity of at least 50%. It grows well in soils with acidity and ph between 4.5 and 5.5.
Dragon Wing Begonia
The Begonia x hybrida grows well in all seasons. With its glossy leaves, it looks good all year round. It blooms in late spring and early summer.
Dumb Cane
The Dieffenbachia hybrids is a popular plant for houses and apartments. Its many varieties come with wide leaves and growth is best when it is watered thoroughly.
Easter Lily
The plant is known for its distinct trumpet-shaped blooms. Under its botanical name of Lilium longiflorum, the plant grows in sunny areas as it enjoys direct sunlight.
Part of the Gentianaceae family, the beautiful plant reaches heights between 30 and 60cm. Watering is normally done only once per week.
English Ivy
The Hedera helix plant is quite versatile. It can be grown as a hanging plant indoors but it can also adapt to climb.
Fiddle Leaf Fig
The Ficus lyrata is known for its large leaves. It can reach heights of up to 40 feet, but the growth rate is known to be very slow.
Flamingo Flower
With a good contrast between its green leaves and red flower stems, the Anthurium scherzerianum grows well indoors. Its leaves need to be wiped from time to time.
Gold Dust Plant
The Aucuba japonica can be a great first indoor plant as it needs no special care. The plant grows well in pots.
Indoor Gardenia
The Gardenia jasminoides is very popular due to its long-lasting blooms. While it does need more attention than other plants, its pleasant fragrance can make the difference it its favor.
Holly Fern
Under its Cyrtomium falcatum the plant can be grown on its own. However, its distinct long green leaves recommend it for various indoor flower pairings.
The beautiful Hibiscus rosa sinensis and its variations grow flowers from spring to late fall. Its flowers are large and they can reach a diameter of up to 8 inches.
Ivy Geranium
The Pelargonium peltatum is known for its brightly-colored blossom. The plant can be trained to climb and as a result, it is often paired with a pot trellis.
The Jasminum polyanthum or the Chinese Jasmine plant has long wines. During the summer, it enjoys direct sunlight.
Japanese Aralia
Botanically named Fatsia japonica, the plant is grown both indoors and outdoors. During the spring, the plant needs to be cut to encourage branching.
Kentia Palm
The Howea forsteriana can reach a few feet in height. It prefers growing in dust-free rooms. Insects are also attracted by its large leaves.
These tall plants grow quickly. Their green leaves are a good contrast to the brightly-colored flowers. The plant is know for its fuzzy cover.
Lily of the Valley
The Convallaria majalis is best for indoor bloom, even during the winter. It has different varieties but it is mainly preferred for its white-pink flowers.
Living Stones
Called Lithops, the plants have a distinct look. Normally used as ornaments with other plants, they grow in a clump which mostly resembles stones.
Lipstick Plant
With distinct tubular flowers, the Aeschynanthus lobbianus can grow in baskets. Its name is derived from the resemblance with a lipstick in a plastic tube.
Madagascar Jasmine
The Stephanotis floribunda can add a pleasant fragrance to a room. Its glossy leaves can be met with attractive blooms only if the plant gets direct sunlight.
Plectranthus Mona Lavender
The Plectranthus is a hybrid. The relatively-new plant is suitable for apartments which do not get too much sunlight.
Money Tree Plant Care
Botanically named Pachira aquatica, the plant can grow through the year. The plant slows down its growth during the winter and a result, it doesn’t need large pots.
The African plant needs moderate moist to grow. Its flowers come with distinct 6 petals which bloom in the fall.
Originating in Central America and Australia, the plant grows well indoors, but not in direct sunlight. Blooms are seen in early summer.
The succulent plant blossoms in the summer. It has distinct small pink or red flowers.
Oleander Plant
The Nerium oleander plant has green narrow leaves. Its flowers grow in clusters but the plant needs plenty of natural light
Polka Dot Plant
The Polka Dot Plant is an attention-grabbing plant which grows fast. Most of its flowers are pink. A few hybrids are also found in red spotted leaves.
Purple Passion Plant
Know for its purple hairs, the Gynura aurantiaca needs plenty of light. However, water on its leaves will immediately cause dark spots.
Persian Violet
The Exacum affine can be grown from seed. In order to promote more beautiful blooms, each flower needs to be pinched once faded.
Queen’s Tears
Also called the Billbergia nutans, the Billbergia nutans grows outwards, taking the shape of a fountain. After at least two years, the plant reaches maturity and it blossoms.
Rex Begonia
Producing large leaves, the Rex Begonia is one of the most popular house plants. Hundreds of variations are available and most of them grow upright.
Red Ginger
The Alpinia purpurata has large leaves which can decorate any room. With a tropical origin, the plant needs as much light as it can get.
Of African descent, the plant needs high humidity, up to 70%. It blossoms all year round with flowers of different colors.
Originating in countries such as Kenya, the plant can grow with diffuse light. It blossoms from early summer to early fall.
Part of the Solanaceae family, the plant only needs moderate watering. When blossoming, it has yellow flowers which turn orange towards the end of the summer.
Ti Plant
The Cordyline terminalis has distinct long leaves which need to be wiped regularly. Its height is controlled with cuts.
Tulips can be grown indoors. The bulbs should be large. If chossing different types of tulips, they should be separated into different pots.
The Aechmea fasciata gathers water in its urn. If the plant fails to bloom, it should be moved to a location with more light.
With South African origin, the perennial plant needs moderate watering. From July to August it shows orange-red flowers.
The orchid can live up to 30 years. It can be watered at least once per week by spraying. It blooms 3 to 4 times per year.
Weeping Fig
The Ficus benjamina has dark green leaves. It can be among the top choices of plants to a home’s air quality.
Wandering Jew
With its Tradescantia albiflora botanical name, the plant is known as a hanging choice. In spring, it normally needs a larger pot as it grows quickly.
The Herbaceous plant needs watering two times per week, especially during the summer. Liquid fertilizer is also recommended every two weeks.
With a Cuban origin, the plant grows white and pale pink flowers. It blossoms through the summer and possibly during spring.

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