By Jennifer Poindexter If you’re someone who is known for killing plants, this tip is for you. Chances are, you aren’t a horrible gardener. The problem is you forget about the plants’ care. I’m going to share my tips on how you can avoid this habit moving forward. One of … [Read more...]
10 Herbs You Should Never Plant Together
By Jennifer Poindexter When you research gardening, it’s common to read articles on companion planting, but have you ever considered which plants you shouldn’t grow near each other? If you’re interested in starting an herb garden, you should pay close attention to … [Read more...]
10 Evergreen Herbs That Are Available All Year Long to Use
By Jennifer Poindexter Cooking with fresh herbs can add amazing flavor to simple dishes. If you cook with fresh herbs often, you should consider growing an herb garden. However, be mindful of which herbs you incorporate into this garden. There are certain herbs which remain … [Read more...]
Why is my lavender turning brown?
QUESTION: Why is my lavender turning brown? I planted some and was hoping it would be a big part of my garden, and now it's all dying and I'm distraught. - Tina O JENNIFER POINDEXTER AT GARDENING CHANNEL REPLIES: There are a variety of reasons as to why your lavender is … [Read more...]
What is a sprig of thyme?
QUESTION: What is a sprig of thyme, exactly? I've seen it mentioned several times now, but I don't understand it. Is it a specific amount? - Jen L JENNIFER POINDEXTER AT GARDENING CHANNEL REPLIES: A sprig of thyme can be measured in multiple ways. The first way is to measure … [Read more...]