As the name suggests, microgreens are salad greens that are harvested when the leaves are small—only an inch or two high. They are quick and easy to grow in the garden, in pots, or on the windowsill. Flavors vary from sweet to tangy, depending on the type of green. Microgreens … [Read more...]
The Art of Repotting
Of all the gardening tasks, repotting is my favorite. Give me a bench full of plants to repot and I’m in horticulture heaven. Houseplants need repotting when they start to become root bound. You’ll know when this happens because roots will grow out of the drainage holes or the … [Read more...]
An Overview of Container Gardening
Container Gardening: Background Info To support America’s war effort and feed their families, people in the U.S. planted 20 million victory gardens during World War II, growing nearly 40 percent of all vegetables eaten across the country. Victory gardeners quickly learned … [Read more...]
How to Grow and Care for African Violets
You may think of African violets as old fashioned, but they are still among the easiest and most satisfying flowering plants to grow indoors, and the shapes and colors of the flowers are almost endless. Ranging in size from under six inches to over sixteen inches in diameter, … [Read more...]
How to Grow Elephant Ear Plants and Care for Them
Soil & Sun Requirements for Elephant Ears Elephant ear plants, also called taro, are tropical plants that like warm, moist conditions. It can be grown year-round in southern climates and should be brought indoors to serve as a houseplant in the winter in northern areas. … [Read more...]