If you are like many others, autumn yardwork probably sneaks up on you out of nowhere. One day you are basking in the sun, fanning yourself and drinking lemonade and then all of a sudden, you need to put a jacket on to walk the dog in the morning. This is usually about the same … [Read more...]
St Augustine Grass Weed Control
St. Augustine grass is a common type of grass throughout the Gulf Coast area of the United States, as well as in Southern and Central California. You see it all over states like Texas, Florida and other Gulf Coast states. With any type of grass, including St. Augustine, there … [Read more...]
How to Keep Weeds Out of Your Lawn the Organic Way
Having a perfectly green and weed free lawn is close to an obsession in the United States. For many years, chemical treatments have been largely considered to be acceptable. Recently, there has been more focus on green methods and protecting the environment. As a result, more … [Read more...]
Use Zoysia Grass for a Low Maintenance Lawn
Zoysiagrass is a warm season, low maintenance turf grass. It tolerates heat, drought, and salt spray. The low-growing, sod-forming plants spread by stolons and rhizomes. While it prefers full sun, zoysiagrass will tolerate some shade. Zoysiagrasses green up early in the spring … [Read more...]
Growing Bermuda Grass for Lawns
Photo courtesy of woodleywonderworks at Flickr.com. Bermudagrass is a very popular warm season turf grass in tropical and subtropical climates. It establishes quickly, spreads rapidly by stolons and rhizomes, and tolerates traffic and drought. Bermudagrass takes mowing as … [Read more...]
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