Pets and wild animals love a healthy tomato garden. Not only is the moist soil a fun place for dogs to dig, the plants themselves provide a source of nutrition for your neighborhood squirrels, rabbits, and birds. If you leave your tomatoes without adequate … [Read more...]
How to Grow Tomatoes: The Complete Guide
Want to learn how to grow your own tomatoes? We certainly don't blame you. Everyone enjoys the taste of a home grown tomato. The sweetness, the firmness, the juiciness - who wouldn’t choose a home-grown tomato over a store bought one? Tomatoes are also high in Vitamins A, C and … [Read more...]
Tomato Terminology Made Easy
It’s cold outside, but the sky is blue, the sun is shining through your windows, and seed catalogs are arriving daily in the mail. Spring is just around the corner. This is the year. You’re going to grow your own tomatoes. So you pick up a catalog from the growing pile and … [Read more...]
Tips for Planting Tomatoes
There’s nothing quite like the taste of a ripe tomato plucked fresh from a home garden. Today, tomato lovers can even choose from a variety of colors including red, orange, and yellow. With more than 25,000 varieties of tomatoes in existence today, the flavor one tastes on the … [Read more...]
How to Prune Tomato Plants for a Successful Crop
Managing your tomato plants by learning how and when to prune them is one of the key secrets for producing a healthier and better crop of tomatoes. Tomato plants are hardy and typically produce a good crop even without pruning, but pruning them produces an even better crop of … [Read more...]