QUESTION: How hard is it to grow mushrooms at home? I keep reading about all the health benefits of mushrooms, but they're pretty expensive at the store and I'm interested in growing my own. ANSWER: Growing mushrooms can be as simple as the method you choose. Some people like … [Read more...]
3 Common Lawn Mushrooms That Are Poisonous (and 6 That Are Not)
By Erin Marissa Russell There’s nothing more magical than mushrooms in the garden, but it’s hard to know which of the mushrooms you may see on your lawn are poisonous and which are not. That’s why we’ve put together this list of common poisonous (and harmless) mushrooms you … [Read more...]
Is This Mushroom Edible? 10 Identification Resources
A few generations ago, spring and summer meant mushroom foraging for many families. As centralized food sources became more common, people relied less and less on home gardens and wild foraging for food. In recent years, though, mushroom foraging has seen a resurgence in … [Read more...]
How to Cultivate Oyster Mushrooms
Oyster mushrooms, with their overlapping layers of flesh, are sometimes hard to find in the grocery store, but they can be grown at home without too much trouble. These fungi have a meaty texture and mild flavor that is best used in cooked dishes, such as soups, sautés and … [Read more...]
What is mushroom tea? An overview.
You’ve heard of the benefits of green tea, but mushroom tea? Herbalists and Chinese medicine practitioners have prescribed mushroom teas for many years. These teas contain powerful antioxidants and can even slow or prevent cancer growth. You probably won’t sip a cup of mushroom … [Read more...]