QUESTION: Can I grow lettuce indoors? What growing conditions will the plants need indoors? -Ken P. … [Read more...]
Growing Romaine Lettuce: A Gardener’s Checklist
Romaine (also called cos) lettuce is a tasty, popular type of lettuce. Romaine grows in tall heads of sturdy leaves and is very heat tolerant. It gets its name from the Romans, who likely imported it from either Greece or (more likely) Arabia. Nutritionally, Romaine has all of … [Read more...]
Can I use tomato feed on lettuce?
QUESTION: What kind of fertilizer can I use on my lettuce plants. I have some leftover tomato feed. Can I use tomato feed on lettuce? - Sam R … [Read more...]
Should I water my lettuce every day?
QUESTION: How often should I water my lettuce? Should I water my lettuce every day? -Paula W. … [Read more...]
What is the best fertilizer for lettuce?
QUESTION: What is the best fertilizer for lettuce? I've sprayed fish emulsion on my lettuce leaves before and there was residual smell. Is there a better way to use fish emulsion, or what fertilizer is safe for lettuce? -Terri M … [Read more...]