What's the difference between corn and maize? Not much! Corn and maize are both terms that reference the same cereal grain. Corn is primarily used in the North American english vernacular, whereas maize is used in the British english vernacular. Though the two words are often … [Read more...]
55 Ways to Use All That Corn You Grew This Year
by Erin Marissa Russell Corn is one of the most ancient symbols humans have used to invoke and symbolize nature’s bounty. As one of the crops people in Central and North America first relied on, corn was even associated with deities, mostly female fertility goddesses. Some … [Read more...]
Corn Earworms: How to Prevent and Control
Corn earworms are a bane to both home gardeners and commercial farmers alike. In fact, they cause more damage to corn crops than any other insect and are found throughout the continental U.S. In addition to corn, corn earworms eat at least 16 other cultivated crops and over 100 … [Read more...]
Corn Diseases: How to Identify and Control
Fresh-picked corn is one of the true pleasures of summer, but for many gardeners, bringing a crop of corn to harvest is a challenge. Corn takes up a lot of space in the garden and must be planted in a block so wind can pollinate it. It is a heavy feeder, requiring frequent … [Read more...]
Health Benefits of Corn
Is corn a starch or a vegetable? Is it good for you or fattening? Many people are confused about corn's benefits. Corn is actually considered a grain, like wheat and rice and for vegetarians is added to a meal of tofu or legumes to make a complete protein of amino acids. But … [Read more...]