Rose lovers are always talking with friends and fellow gardeners about their plants. Trading cuttings is a social medium of exchange that many take part in. Once you have a cutting from a prized rose bush, what do you do with it? Many rose growers have never tried growing from … [Read more...]
Clothespins: A Helpful Rose Gardening Gadget
Clothespins, once a staple in every homemaker's laundry arsenal, have largely been relegated to the craft closet in recent years. But you can re-purpose them in the garden – as a rose-pruning tool extraordinaire! Tuck a clothespin into your garden apron and you'll be surprised at … [Read more...]
Black Spot on Roses
Black Spot is a foliar disease that attacks roses of nearly all strains. It's characterized by black spots that appear on leaves in either round or irregular shapes. The spots are usually surrounded by yellowed leaf areas (chlorosis) and the spots, if left to progress, often … [Read more...]
How to Treat Common Rose Diseases
The beauty of roses doesn’t come without a cost; rose plants are susceptible to numerous diseases. To enjoy beautiful roses in your garden you must be able to recognize the diseases and know what to do to prevent and treat them. Common Diseases of Roses and Their … [Read more...]
How to Grow Roses
Roses are not the easiest plants to grow, but they are one of the most satisfying. Whether you enjoy them in the garden or cut them for indoors, watching a rose open petal-by-petal and smelling its sweet fragrance is a true delight for any gardener. Volumes have been written on … [Read more...]