QUESTION: Are the green tops of my onion plants edible? They look like larger green onions, and I’d love to use them in the kitchen if I can. — Sean P.
ANSWER: Not only can you eat the green tops of onions—the flowers of your onion plants are edible, too. So don’t throw out these tasty parts of your garden’s onions. Both the green tops of sprouted onions and the flowers impart an oniony flavor that’s milder than the onion bulb but more pungent than scallion greens.

How to Use Onion Greens
Use the greens from your garden’s onions in the kitchen wherever you’d normally use scallions or chives. Add them to stir fries and rice, mix into an aioli, or sprinkle over chili, baked potatoes, and all kinds of Mexican dishes. They also work well in scrambled eggs, quiches, frittatas, and egg dishes of all kinds.
Before using the green tops of your onions, make sure to wash them carefully. Dirt has a way of hiding between the closely folded layers of the onion greens, so make sure to be thorough. Use your fingers to separate the greens as much as you can, then rinse between them.
Most of the time when using onion greens, you’ll need them thinly sliced into little rings. You can use a knife to do this, but if you have a pair of kitchen shears, that makes the job much easier.
Now you know just how to use the green tops of the onions from your garden. Don’t forget that the flowers are edible, too. Use them as you would the greens to enjoy their mild oniony flavor.
Learn More About Green Tops of Onions

I grew onions in my garden this year, and they were just harvested. I looked at my beautiful onions, then at the huge greens that accompany their presence. I wondered if they were edible, so I looked it up, but all I saw were things about green onions. I SAID ONION GREENS, NOT GREEN ONIONS, YOU *** COMPUTER!!
Anyway, I found this, and now I know what to do with the pile of greens in front of me.
Cook them in frying pan when you stir fry squash, very good!!
Can I freeze or do anything else with the tops besides eat them fresh? If so how do I do it?
I made some powder. 😊